Honey lyrics

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Why am I always like this

You always ignore me

I was always like that

Follow what you want

I always remember you

Even if you don't pay attention to me

Honey my love so sweet

You don't even notice me

I'm not angry at you

Because I know your

Feelings for me

You just don't know mine

It feels like being with you

Honey i love you

Whoever you are as long as I love you

I've always been following you

I love you and that's true

Honey I love you

You don't even notice me

I'm not angry at you

Because I know your

Feelings for me

You just don't know mine

It feels like being with you

Honey I love you

Whoever you are as long as I love you

I've always been following you

I love you and that's true

Honey I love you

No one is dear to you but you

Tell me you love me too

Or I would love to hear you


Make a tune,.

Godbless Us all ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™

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Sponsors of Bryskie
