Energetics and the Age of Cryptocurrency

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3 years ago

Momentum, focus and direction are all part of the process to create the reality we project in our holographic and 3D world. On another level what is more fascinating is how Energetics and the Age of Cryptocurrency are changing our world right before our very eyes.

Energy Changes Forms

I am sure that one point or another in your life be it through school, reading, or just connecting with other individuals you came across Einstein's theory of relativity.

Energy can never be created or destroyed but only change...

Whether you are a whole hearted believer or at least intellectually see what is being talked about, for a moment just let the words that follow... be.

The Age of Cryptocurrency

Not sure about if you are reading this, but for me, 2020 has been the most noticeably distinct year in my entire life. Spanning multiple decades now, I can talk about any number of incidents and how my perception of the world changed.

I can say with absolute certainty right now that the change I am perceiving in this consciousness is something that many have talked about for most likely millennia.

We are truly entering the Age of Aquarius and becoming aware of the energy that is abundant all around us, especially in cryptocurrency. Over the last decade specifically momentum has built to bring us to this moment before us right now.

For many it will be easy to stare into the glare of the future and become hypnotized by all of the distractions that are around us everyday. Bills, Politics, Money, Relationships and Security are just a few to be named but I am sure your list could be endless.

In this now revealed age of cryptocurrency, we will see how everything can be elevated to a new realm of consciousness as well as providing the tools necessary to uplift our fellow being into a truly golden age.

The Energetics of Our Position

What is incredibly important to understand right now is that the energetics of our lives right now have never been more important. We are nearing a conjunction not only in the stars with the upcoming winter solstice but in our own beings in the ways that we carry out our existence.

Paramount in all of this is that whatever we bring forward with us will be magnified during this time. I heard someone say in person at a large even with over 5,000 people in the auditorium;

Where focus goes, energy flows...

While this saying has been stated in so many different ways from coaches & gurus to leaders & spiritual healers it's message carries through. What you let into your mind, will drive what you do.

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER is that you have absolute control over the doorway. You hold the key, are the bouncer, architect, repairman, owner, manager and CEO of all of it.

As another whom I trust and follow said;

You absolutely can have it all!

So What Is the Course Best to Take

Right now the number of possibilities is infinite in terms of decisions you could make. Just remember that you are in total control.

It might be difficult to see, read or hear that when you are looking at a pile of bills on the table or in your inbox. It might seem totally bollocks when the noise around you says everything is different.

Sometimes just taking a few deep breaths will make the world of difference and give a different view to an otherwise seemingly unsolvable situation.

At the end of the day here's my nugget that gets me through and keeps me going every day. Taking a deep breath and being "still" even for just that moment, albeit brief moment in time, will alter the course of your life inextricably forever.

You don't need to be a Stephen Hawkin or Albert Einstein & think of the time as being past, present and future all inverted and on top of each other. Yes they have some incredible work that has shaped the world that we live in.

When you connect to the breath, you are able to activate those that came before you, those here now and those into the future as many others.

Don't let your reptilian flight or fight mechanisms take over and say this is a bunch of woo-woo nonsense. Rather, take that breath. Enjoy it! Savor it! Recognize it for what it is!

You world will change as will those around you. Now carry on.

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Written by
3 years ago
