Set up your github personal website in just 7 simple steps!

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Avatar for BrownBoy1824
3 years ago

TL;DR Recently I learned how to build my own free personal website with the help of Github. This requires no web hosting or CMS of any kind. Just follow the 7 steps that I’ll cover below.

Recently, I developed an interest in building my own personal website where I could blog about things that I’m learning or creating.

Some of the obvious options available online are building a website through an open-sourced content management system, such as Wordpress which also requires a web hosting service such as Bluehost. Buying a domain and getting a hosting service for it requires money. And while it isn’t much and I could have invested, I decided to check if there was an option to build a free website.

Turns out, there definitely is a way to build your very own free github website. Follow these 7 quick and easy steps to get your github personal website up and running:

Pre-requisite: There are a few git and github steps involved. So familiarity with git and github is beneficial. However, if you are curious enough and can google your queries, I don’t think why that should stop you.

Disclaimer: This will only work if you’re looking for a minimalistic option like me. If your requirements dictate usage of dynamic pages, usage of databases and such, then a github personal website might not be the best bet.

  1. (Optional) Getting a domain name:

    • You can purchase a domain online from sites like Bluehost, Namecheap etc.

    • Useful if you want your own custom site url and don’t want the part which is attached inadvertently

       to every github pages site url.

    • Of course, this step will cost you, but you can skip it if you want.

  2. Setting up a github repository to serve as the base for your github personal website:

    • Create a new repository with your github account, say new_repo

    • (Optional but recommendedCreate a new branch from the master branch for new_repo, named gh-pages. Make gh-pages the default branch for this repo.

    • (Optional) Go to Settings>Options>GitHub Pages section on the repo page. There you’ll see the Source branch (gh-pages) which will be used to built the github website associated with this repo. Also, you’ll see the Custom Domain which you can set to your own custom subdomain, using this guide. If you don’t set any custom domain, your github pages website will be hosted at Don’t forget to enable the Enforce HTTPS checkbox, since having https matters.

  3. Clone new_repo to your local machine to include site related files.

     git clone 
     #=> new-repo-url is the path to your github repository, and 
     git needs this path to clone it to your local machine.

    You can clone the repository into any folder. Let’s assume you cloned it into a folder named new_repo.

  4. Setup jekyll and its requirements:

  5. Use jekyll to create site related files:

    • Using git bash,navigate to your new_repo folder, and run the following command:

        jekyll new . --force
        #=> This command adds new jekyll related files and 
        folders within the current folder.
        #=> --force is used because there are existing 
        files like .git in current directory, which we want 
        jekyll to ignore.
    • Use git status command to see all the files added to the new_repo folder. This folder now has enough information for jekyll to build a website. Read this doc to know more about the contents of this directory.

    • In the configuration file _config.yml, change the title and description of your site to something of your liking.

        title: Adventures of Tin Tin
        description: I want to educate people about Tin Tin.

      Intimidated by this file’s YAML syntax? Take a look at this quick walkthrough of YAML.

    • Now, let’s add a new post to our website. In your _posts directory, remove the existing file, and create a new one named 2020-05-18-my-very-first-post.markdown with the following content and save it:

        title:  "My very first post"
        date:   2020-05-12
        Hello World!

      This weird-looking format is a specific markdown flavour understood by Jekyll, called Kramdown.

    • Now that you have created a post, you need to start a server locally to see how your github website will look like. Go ahead and build the jekyll site using:

        bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
      • Note: Make sure you are within the root directory, and not within any of its subfolders, while executing this command.

    • Navigate to localhost:4000 in a browser. This is where the jekyll site will be hosted locally. Check out the post you just created. Spend some time navigating through the links and pages.

  6. Making the site public:

    • Once you are happy with the changes, commit and push the local code to remote repo new_repo. Make sure you are pushing to the gh-pages and not the master branch. Follow these 3 commands on git bash in new_repo folder:

        git add . #Adds all files to be staged to commit
        git commit -m 'My first commit' #Creates a commit
        git push -u origin gh-pages  #Pushes the local changes 
        to remote branch
    • Navigate to or whatever custom domain you’ve set to check out your published github personal website.

  7. [Next Steps] So now, we have a site, but its useless since we haven’t added anything interesting. Jekyll gives you quite a lot of flexibility in that you can:

Voila! We are done with setting up your github personal website. Now you only have to find some interesting topic to write about to get started!

To know more about github pages, check out:

To read in more detail about Jekyll, visit:

To enhance your knowledge on Ruby Gems, Gemfile and Blunder, to be able to do much more with your site, go through:

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Avatar for BrownBoy1824
3 years ago
