Flee from Delilah!

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Avatar for BrightO
2 years ago

Dear Brother, When it is the lady putting pressure on you for Sexual activity, you should know you are in for a serious fight against the flesh.It is very difficult to resist such temptation but it is not impossible.You see, women are wonderful creatures; sometimes some of them just want to appreciate you or impress you, so they present themselves to you as a token of appreciation.I cannot forget the day a lady was so happy for what I did for her and from her grateful heart, she just wanted to appreciate me by offering me 'free sex'.😊 Some ladies, however, may be promiscuous and deliberately will seduce you to sleep with them.When you feel seduced to sin against God, what should your NEXT STEP be?Look for the available exit point and escape from the vicinity of your temptation.Settle it in your mind that if you are tempted, this is what you will do, and you can be sure that during the temptation, God will make a way for you to escape from it.

You should also ensure that you surround yourself with people that will not seduce you to sin.If your female friends are the type that seduce you all the time, don't continue to die in silence pretending like it is not affecting you, deliberately change the atmosphere around you. As a young man, whenever I noticed a lady is getting closer, I always tell them this;"I will never ask you for any sexual activity, or touch you in a sensual way; any day you find me doing otherwise, be it known unto you that Satan has taken over me and please run for your dear life. " With this statement, any lady coming close to me already knows my stand and it really kept me focused. Whenever I noticed I was getting excessively close to any particular lady and it's affecting my thought, I would simply pray to God to give me the courage to give her some distance; after the praying, I would go into action and create the distance. God will not force you to take actions, He will only answer your prayers for grace to act immediately and create the distance.Emotion usually grow with intimacy.A lady you're excessively intimate with can think that you want her to give you sex and eventually offer it to you. So, act wisely.

Any time you noticed that you are being enticed to engage in premarital sexual activities, leave the vicinity of the temptation immediately because temptation is usually very strong as long as you remained within its vicinity. When you are running away, people may look at you as though you're immature, funny or stupid; never mind, you are wisely protecting your life and future.As a wise man that you are, make up your mind that any lady who comes around you will feel safe.Let them know that the only person who can access your nakedness will be your wife when you marry.Ladies around you should know that you are different.Don't allow a lady pass the night with only you in the room.If a lady must sleep over in your room, ensure it is in the company of other people or find somewhere else to sleep.

When you are tempted to sin, always remember that you have sufficient grace to resist that sin.The Bible says where sin abounds, grace abounds much more.Others may deliberately sin against God, please don't.I hope you have been instructed. 🤗

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Avatar for BrightO
2 years ago
