Ukraine Executed Surrendered Soldiers

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1 year ago

Below is a video on Odysee about how Ukraine committed this horrible war crime.

Two different videos have been uncovered showing at least 11 Russian soldiers laying face down with no weapons shot in the head. Apparently the soldiers from Ukraine killed them execution style after they had already surrendered. One of those videos was from a drone showing the dead Russian soldiers.

Here's another video from YouTube talking about the same situation with more details....

There have been countless many other stories about the Ukrainian government committing war crimes against the Russians.

Whistleblowers from the Ukrainian government itself as well as many other witnesses have come forward. Many ex soldiers from Ukraine have stopped fighting for the Ukraine side saying that they were just too inhumane. Some have even been killed for speaking out against some of the things that have been done.

It's difficult to find information about this because it has been largely suppressed by most big news medias. Especially in Europe and in other Western countries like the United States ect.

We should always look at all sides before casting judgment about any situation.

This subject is very complicated but I will write more details about it in another article if you guys want to know more about the story of what's really going on in the war between Russia and Ukrain.

Thanks for reading my article. Please don't forget to click on the 'thumbs up' icon below if you appreciate my work... :)

Please share this perspective from the 'other side' with your loved ones. And as always, do your own research.

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1 year ago


Esta claro que en la guerra siempre habrán crímenes que se comenten de lado y lado, y como dices en el artículo, no es facil ni justo juzgar sin tener la información completa de lo que sucede en el campo de batalla en tiempo real. Pero, ¿a quien se le debe juzgar con toda responsabilidad, en el caso particular, de la invasión rusa contra Ucrania? Esta pregunta es importante desarollarla, porque, a juicio de muchos residentes ucranianos, esta invasión u "operación especial" como lo llama el Kremlin, no tiene justificación alguna. Ellos se preguntan, ¿salvarnos de quien? porque segun el argumento del Kremlin, es porque hay presencia de cultura neonazi en Ucrania. Si este es su argumento, tendrá que invadir el resto del mundo, porque así como neonazis, hay comunistas, lideres de sectas de todo tipo. Entonces, justificar una operación especial para "salvar" a Ucrania , un país cuya infraestructura vital y civil esta casi en la ruina a causa de los bombardeos, un país pujante y con un gran crecimiento económico, social y cultural. que lucha por ser soberano, es una justificación sin precedentes. Habrá que responder por los crímenes de lado y lado, porque el ejército ruso ha cometido el 95% de los crímenes contra el pueblo ucraniano.

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1 year ago