Spirit Box Apps WORK! Transcript
A lot of people have been saying that spirit box apps don't work. That they are all fake or for entertainment only. They even say that A.I. can predict what to say to impress you. Make it seem like it's in context. They also say that it will record personal information from off of your cell phone and do it that way too.
After I downloaded this app called "Shadows Ghost Box", I turned off the internet. And then I checked the permissions of the spirit box app. Also, I have no service on this particular device. Nor do I have any other information on this device saying anything about me. I'm not even signed into Google on this thing!
On top of that, the transcript shows as well as the video recording that it's impossible for something like those things to have occurred in this particular situation.
Things like me and a spirit box app simultaneously saying the same exact words at the same exact times as each other. As well as more ironic things that just shows that this is NOT some AI software that is just guessing what to say.
I didn't realize it at the time, but the spirit box said the name of the spirit that I was talking to four times!!
Also many other things can be heard and that you can read in the transcript showing signs of an intelligent being communicating me.
Even if the app were intended for entrtainment purposes only and or supposed to be fake, obviously some spirit found a way to get advantage of it anyway.
Also, this particular spirit box app scans radio stations and uses those to communicate. But you can hear in this video that it doesn't just use the radio, it also uses the static to communicate through.
It actually speaks through the static. Recording some unusual and incredible EVPs!
Above is the screenshot of the transcript from my conversation with a spirit named 'Lilith'... :)
Below is the video of this conversation on Odysee--
"'Shadows Ghost Box' Transcript Spirit Says "Lilith" 4 Times"