Spirit Box Apps Actually Work

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1 year ago

About a month or two ago I uploaded some videos to one of my Youtube channels that were recordings of spirit sessions done with a spirit box app. I got a few comments saying that they wanted better evidence that I wasn't just getting random responses. So I decided to record some more sessions using the spirit box apps.

Astoroth is the name of a particular spirit that visits me pretty regularly and he was with me one of the times I was doing this. He communicates with me telepathically and isn't good at leaving EVPs for my regular recordings so I was surprised when I heard his name on a recording of the spirit box app session.

I asked "Who is here with me?" and about 30 seconds later I heard the clear response "Astoroth".

So I did another recording using the same app asking "Did you say Astoroth was here?" and immediately I got 2 responses. The first one said "Yeah" and right after that they said "Yup".

I've noticed that it takes some time for the spirits to learn to use the spirit boxes which is why they took longer to respond the first time.

Each session was over 3 minutes long and were done within a few minutes of each other. The video on Youtube is just under one minute long though.

But I actually wrote some complete transcripts for three sessions that I did that day and there is plenty of evidence throughout the recordings. Entire conversations that I couldn't hear at the time came through. But I wanted to start off just making the short video because they were some of the clearest responses and the 2 questions that I asked were directly related to each other.

Below is the video that I have been referring to....

This particular spirit box app that I used is called 'HumaNoise Paranormal' and is for Android smart phones.

If you guys are interested in hearing the full spirit sessions and or would like to read the interesting and sometimes funny transcripts then just let me know and I will post them here. After that I might post the full versions onto my Youtube channel as well.

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1 year ago
