HOAs / Housing Authorities Suck!

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1 year ago

When I first learned what HOAs were I was shocked and even offended that such a thing could exist in America. HOAs, which stands for Housing Authorities is when there is a group or committee in a neighborhood that goes around on a regular basis making sure that every property or house in the area is abiding by certain set of rules that tend to be pretty strict.

For example you have to stick to a particular color scheme, your fence has to be a minimum and or maximum height, your yard can't have certain plants in it, and other meticulous things like these. And if you don't follow these rules you have a period of time to fix it, if not you get fined like it's a speeding ticket, and after too much time goes by without it being fixed, they can kick you off of your own property! Out of the house that you own!

This guy explains it better than I can....

The whole point of having your own property is it's YOUR home!

I understand the reason why people want these things is so that one or two bad neighbors can't ruin the neighborhood with being messy ect. But if they are messy you can always turn them into the law if they won't listen to reasoning when you talk to them. Littering is against the law anyways. Besides these Housing Authorities simply take things too far. You should never be in danger of loosing property that you own over some nit-picky neighbors!!

HOAs / Housing Authorities are just un-American....

America is all about freedom and sovereignty. What is yours is yours period. Plus the fact that The United States is a melting pot of different races, and cultures, and styles should be celebrated. What is so attractive about every house looking the same?

One of the cities I grew up in is called Austin and it's in the state of Texas. It's known for it's laid back atmosphere. You can go into a fancy restaurant wearing whatever you want as far as it's legal. People can't tell the difference between the poorer folks having a special occasion and the millionaire regular at the bar. Either group could be wearing suits or T-shirts and sandals lol. It's where being rich doesn't mean you have to be stuck up or uncomfortable. That is why they chose Austin to live in.

There really needs to be more places like Austin Texas and a lot less of these HOAs / Housing Authorities!!

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1 year ago
