Capitalism- A Good Idea Gone Bad?

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2 years ago

People that thought capitalism is evil were 'on the other side', so I watched some videos that only they would watch or agree with so I could understand them better....

I was still confused about what lead them to this way of looking at things. So then I watched a video from their side, explaining to the 'neutral people' why capitalism was evil.

Then I felt really really sad....

All of those people believe what they believe due to what they've been told, along with their own life experiences. I was fortunate enough to be exposed to more of the big picture early on in life. At least when it comes to this subject. My heart goes out the capitalism haters. & I hope and pray that they somehow find this article, or someone else's so that they can finally start to LIVE as their view of the world brightens due to some more understanding.


People that hate capitalism tend to think that all the of the 'old classes' of lords, peasants, craftsmen, and merchants no longer exist due to capitalism. Leaving virtually just two classes. Wealthy and the workers. Rich get richer and poor get poorer...

If you're angry at capitalism due to this lopsided world we live in....

I understand. I've been angry about the very same things. I just don't blame capitalism for it.

& more importantly, I can easily prove how the above perceptions are just plain false.... Factually.

Thinking that capitalism is to blame is a narrow minded way of thinking. Although there are evils in this world that have encouraged this tainted view. Causing people to grow bitter and frustrated with their own struggles while witnessing the harmful actions and disproportionate power of many evil elites.

Jaded minds become more and more narrow in there perspectives the more jaded by stress they become. Losing abilities to reason things out in a healthy and sane way. Making the world they live in seem cruel and with little hope or goodness.

Although the subject of the evil elites ruling the world is a subject that I typically complain & write about. & have done extensive research on.... I won't go into all that in this article because it would take way too long. This subject is very easy for anyone that hates capitalism to explain why they do.

So, I'm going to show you how this view is misguided. Via a simple mind exercise. I'll show you how even an angry person can broaden their thinking.

Whenever you're angry about any subject, leaving everything looking metaphorically black and white....

Try this--

Take the object of your hate; the narrative you've been obsessing about; out of the picture. I'll demonstrate with this subject....


Here's where I explain how the above statement about capitalism being a bad thing is fundamentally in error....

Just the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

Things were better before capitalism ruined everything?

The opposite is true, believe it or not. And once you've realize the simplicity of it, you may get angry again but just for a different reason lol.


In the 'good ol' days' before capitalism there WERE basically just 2 classes. The royal elites; and their friends; the land and business owners ect. & the servants and peasants....

You COULD NOT go from peasant to wealthy unless you were Cinderella! Lol.

That's why that story was so touching and 'magical'. Because it WAS something that would only happen to the extremely lucky peasant. It was much more rare than winning the lottery.

Evil elites in power have always been a problem. But thank goodness there's also almost always been some good elites in some sort of power too. They're the reason why we've seen ANY progress at all in fact. Yet, good and evil elites have absolutely nothing to do with weather capitalism is good or evil.


I've been financially struggling my whole life. Sometimes homeless even, & actually trying. But those greedy elites aren't at fault.

& Here's how I KNOW they're not the culprit....

The heartwarming stories about people going from financially destitute to genuinely wealthy are becoming more common as time goes by. And it's not just because there's more people on the planet....

The clue is in the 'how' they became wealthy. So how? That's just it....

COUNTLESS ways. This means that the possibilities are endless. And can happen to literally ANYONE. Yet it's true that there's a lot of people that work really hard and stay poor. I'm one of them. So far lol. ;}

I have a reasonable and legitimate hope that I won't be poor forever. & not only do the peasants have more opportunities than they've ever had, but dramatically increasingly your financial status is also happening more quickly as time goes by as well. Therefore, so far it seems like capitalism is bringing actual progress to our society.


Now that I've explained how a peasant can become wealthy, let's tackle the theory that there's virtually only two financial classes....

'Classes' with how we defined them earlier have grown in types so much actually, that a person can be at a gas station with let's say, 5 largely different other types of financial classes and not even know it. This would definitely not be true in the good ol' Medieval times....


Growing up, my father was a master plumber. His jobs or career meant that we were middle to upper middle class. Some spending problems; paired with what seemed to be really bad luck; meant that we were actually barely keeping a roof over our heads. This was our financial situation for most of my childhood.

My dad went from having 3 jobs at the same time & workng about 80 hours a week, to owning his own plumbing company. A small company. Most of the time it was just him and a helper for when he needed them. He owned more than enough tools & even two work trucks at times, so he COULD HAVE grown as a company and decided not to for various reasons. HIS own personal choice....

I'm a lot like my father in many ways that I'm very proud of. Yet my lack of ambition to become rich is something I got from him that I wish I hadn't... :(

I KNOW that the opportunities are out there & that my options on how I get there are varied too....

I've had all sorts of friends in my life. (& I do mean actual friends) They ranged wildly from financial types and other 'types' as well. So I KNEW from both my upbringing & my life experiences at a young age even, that the world is not 'black and white'. And I mean that in multiple ways.


So open your mind and heart. Life can be painful and frustrating, but it's more likely to be experienced as an interesting adventure if your perspectives aren't so tainted by biases caused from pain & hate.

The truth is not black and white--

It's much more beautiful and downright LIBERATING the more you can see and understand. So please don't let pain, stress, hate and fear keep you from ACTUALLY living.

When you're frustrated and don't think you have much hope, remember these two simple things....

At least we don't live in the Medieval times and have to be Cinderella or be dammed to scrubbing floors till we die. You can be thankful for that!

More importantly though, in order to make any sort of progress, (outside of being 'lucky' like Cinderella or winning the lottery)

We MUST broaden our perspectives! We can't do that if we're filled with hate and pain....

So just do this little mind exercise that I just demonstrate with this article. Try to think of the same subject but from a completely different perspective or angle. It's even better if you can try to find facts, evidence and view points that are contrary to what you already believe.

Actually, that's what lead me to writing this article....

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{{ BTW.... The above picture is my own artwork. That is my REAL passion n life.... Too bad it's not likely to make me wealthy though lol !! }}

Much love. To EVERYONE ! Thanks for reading :)

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Written by
2 years ago


I do really understand your thought Those wrong ideas about capitalizen began with Karl Marks book ,El Capital, in which he highly criticized it,In the country of my father Cuba ther goverment have carry out a brainwashed through out 62 years already in which they false the capitalism for their incapable goverments,in orther to control the masses is really sad ,i can asure you that

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2 years ago