Biden's 1rst 100 Days- DisasterS....

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3 years ago

In his first 100 days as President, Joe Biden has caused a crisis at the Southern Border, threatened to undo the Trump Tax Cuts, fought to destroy our Second Amendment, & took away thousands of jobs. And that's not all!

The historical crisis at the boarder that they don't like to call a crisis even though it's worse than since the anyone can be remember. You can actually a hear the Cartel laugh & taunt us as they make huge profits off of human trafficking, child smuggling and drugs. They're not even trying to avoid getting caught. They streamline in illegal immigrants straight to border patrol. In numbers so overwhelming that there's simply no room for them. That's part of their strategy though. With caravans keeping ICE & border patrol busy, their hands are too full dealing with an impossible humanitarian crisis to handle the drugs being smuggled in. There's hundreds of victims of violent crimes on both sides. Almost every girl of ANY age gets raped along the way. Many dead bodies are found all over the desert. Yet they keep coming because Biden WELCOMED them when he first took office just to piss off Trump. They even wear Biden T-shirts to show their appreciation. At the same time he halted the wall's construction, leaving already paid for materials just laying there. Taking away all of those jobs of people involved, and a big gap in the border wall where there never should be. Kids in cages has never been more extreme at the border. It's so embarrassing that they're trying to keep reporters awy so the public can't see how devastating it is.

But those jobs are small when compared to the thousands of jobs and millions of the dollars the Native Americans were going to make from the pipeline. Plus, we still have to deal with oil spills in the ocean and over priced gas due to moving all of that oil the old fashioned way. Biden put a stop to the pipeline contract as soon as he could. Supposedly for 'Green' reasons, but so far it's not helping the environment at all. The oil just has to be moved in a very inefficient way. So really it's doing the opposite.

On top of taking away so many jobs, he wants to raise taxes for EVERYONE during a pandemic! Adding insult to injury. Yet doubled for both insult and injury. The lockdowns were already more than we could handle!

AND he bombed Syria! In February, 7 bombs 500-pounds each were dropped on a cluster of buildings at an unofficial crossing at the Syria / Iraq border. The bombs killed a Filipino contractor with an American military coalition. They wounded six others, including a Louisiana National Guard soldier and 4 other American contractors.

I'm going to save the Second Amendment issue for another day. It's too important and complicated to not have it's own article....

He most likely broke a record for the most disastrous 1rst. 100 days of being President EVER!!


A lot of people hated Trump because he had an abrasive personality. Lol....

Don't you wish we had a jerk for a President rather than this multi-disaster making one that we've got now?

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3 years ago


Well there should always be counter narrative. And hundred days are not enough to analyze. Let's hope and be patient

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3 years ago

It's a lot more negative than I like to write. I guess I am still so angry at all the Trump haters because he's not an ass kisser like all the other politicians.

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3 years ago