Do you know what it means to be HUMBLE?

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1 year ago

Humility is the quality of being humble.

What then does it mean to be HUMBLE?

The word "humble" means when one is not arrogant and not proud because of one's status or level in life.

It doesn't mean that you have low self-esteem

Humility always pays no matter what.

So many persons have lost very good opportunities as well as good friends because of arrogance. Being arrogant doesn't pay. You'd just end up hurting people that love you.

I'm sure no one wants to be alone. Because in this life, no one can do it alone. We all need each other even in the smallest of things.

Do you count yourself better than others?

Even if you are, why rub in people's faces?

You never know what tomorrow will look like and who will help you in the days to come.

It helps us learn because it helps us open our minds to the perception of things by others or how others see things.

It also fosters trust among people. People tend to be open to trust you hen you're humble. It helps build the bond among individuals.

It can also be said to be the key to progress. It paves way for you with man and God. It also shows gratitude as well.

Just be humble despite your status.

Think about your tomorrow and plan your today.


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