Effects of drug abuse

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1 year ago

Drug, according to its generic meaning, refers to any chemical substance that which, when taken into the body or applied externally, has a specific effect on its functioning. It also referred to any such substance, especially one which is abused, habitual or addictive, and possessing of which is illegal. In other Words, drugs here is taken to mean an illegal substance that people swallow, smoke or inject to make them feel happy or excited.

Ordinarily, drug can also refer to the various medicines prescribed to cure, suppress, or prevent certain ailments or diseases in the body. Drugs that are supposed to be the source of getting rid of illnesses or forward have unfortunately now turned out to be a problem in the society.

The indiscriminate use of drugs Among the populace without doctor’s prescription has had a lot of negative effects on the lives of the perpetrators, including physical and mental imbalances. Drugs are abused when one takes more than the recommended doses, or when used wrongly to achieve an intended result. This is common among the youths who believe taking hard drugs when they want to carry out any arduous task gives them extra strength. Drugs commonly used include cocaine, heroine, Indian hemp, etc.

Drug abuse also lead to severe psychiatric cases such as we have around in the country these days. Many youths who abuse drugs always end up having mental problems which subsequently land them in hospitals.

In our society nowadays, it is common to see young children with one deformity or the other. This is often the result of pregnant mothers taking wrong or illegal drugs during pregnancy.

moreover, parentS and guardians have a lot to do concerning the proper upbringing of their children. They should always remember the saying that charity begins at home. What their children are doing either at home or schools should be monitored. Parents should be able to inculcate good morales into their children and make them realize the dangerous consequences of drug abuse on someone’s life.

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1 year ago
