How can I gain better self-discipline and self-control?

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Avatar for Brainiac
3 years ago

In a society that lives and breathes instant gratification, developing self-discipline is both the most important and difficult task you can do.

I know this from personal experience…

Five years ago, I was a lazy, depressed, alcoholic working at a job he hated, regularly watching pornography and playing excessive video games with 0 confidence and self-esteem.

Now, after developing serious self-discipline, I own a high performance coaching company on track for 7-figure, built a body that I am incredibly proud of, have an incredible -Believe girlfriend, and live a life of prosperity and joy every day.

But it is not easy.

It takes tremendous discipline to make this change.

Fortunately, along the way, I found a simple formula for achieving massive levels of discipline quickly!

Here it is

1. It All Starts with "Why"

When I went from playing video games and watching pornography many hours a day to doing nothing but hurrying to my business, I didn’t do it because it felt good or because it was easy ... I did it because I have no choice.

I lived on my brother's couch, made every purchase on a credit card, and was afraid I would end up on the streets.

I have a compelling “Why” that helped me develop the discipline needed to achieve my dreams.

This is an extreme example but it illustrates the point.

Before you set out to develop discipline, you must have clear and concise reasons for developing discipline.

WHY do you want to be disciplined?

  • Do you want financial freedom?

  • Do you want to have a rich dating life

  • Do you want the body of your dreams?

Why should discipline be for you?

Once you have in mind your “Why”, I want you to write it down and then go through the details about the feelings and results you will have once you have developed this discipline.


"I need to develop discipline so that I can enjoy a prosperous financial life that allows me to travel the world, break up with my girlfriend, retire my parents, and live a high quality of life"

I also recommend creating a vision board, showing and meditating on your vision every day, and reading aloud your "why".

But it puts the cart before the horse because all these things require ... You guessed it! Discipline.

Once you’ve written your “Why”, here are some more actionable ways to build discipline.

2. Understanding Your Brain and Optimizing Your Loop

The biggest mistake most people make when they try to be more disciplined is that they bite too much at once.

They think they can go from lazy to Navy SEAL overnight ... You can not and you will end up doing more damage than good if you try anyway.

Instead, you need to understand your brain and do things at an appropriate speed.

Here's how.

  1. Choose ONE habit (and only one) that you will stick to. Eg exercise, no processed food, meditation etc.

  2. Now, setup a trigger for that habit. So for example, if you decide to start exercising, put your shoes next to your door as a reminder to exercise in the morning

  3. Make the new habit or discipline SUPER easy ... I mean easy sex is not funny. So running into the workout example, commit to doing ONE pushup .. That's all. Put on your shoes, go to your workout area and do a pushup ... Congrats, you are exercising now. The key here is you are doing something and gaining discipline

  4. Just keep going. When you just focus on doing a pushup, you fool your brain ... If you don't want to exercise you will think to yourself "Hell, a pushup I can do that! Then you do your pushup and think "Hmmm, I should go for 5, then 10, then 20" and before you know it you have done a full workout.

  5. Rinse and repeat for 21-45 days

I recommend that you use the above formula with 6-12 new habits per year.

It may not seem like much, but if you apply this formula (and if you are creative you can apply this formula to anything) you can achieve each of these habits and discipline yourself to really follow rather than fail when you try and change 20 things at once.

Imagine, for 12 months, with this formula you can…

  • Start and stay on a workout routine, packing a pound of muscle or crushing fat

  • Eliminate junk food doubling your strength and gym results

  • Save 15% of all your earnings eliminated stress and anxiety

  • Wake up at 5 am have time for yourself and come to work on time every day

  • Start a meditation practice and reduce your stress and anxiety

  • Start a marginal rush and generate $ 1,000- $ 5,000 / month on outstanding income

  • Take a daily cold shower that increases your grit, endurance, and testosterone levels

  • Start a daily practice of gratitude that increases your happiness and fulfillment

  • Eliminate any addiction

  • Learn a new instrument or sport

  • Became more productive and work-oriented

  • Start dating high-quality members of the opposite (or both .. anything floating in your boat) gender

Or you ...

  • Try and change everything at once

  • Failed

  • Sigaw

  • You want to have the discipline to change your life

The choice is yours ...

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Avatar for Brainiac
3 years ago
