The Bitcoin Adoption Roadmap

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Avatar for Bragato18
1 year ago
Topics: Bitcoin

Like most of my posts lately, the seed was planted on the micro-blogging site  And of course the seed came from twatter, the source of all the good ideas.

@pete_rizzo_  had posted something from a 2010 forum about spongebob stickers, stamps and pencils. But Rizzo was more interested in that Immanue was giving bitcoin a second chance at $0.06, than what bitcoin was being used to buy in 2009. I was intrigued that people were or even could buy spongebob stickers with bitcoin. Remember this is before the whole Pizza thing was even a thing.  

Disclaimer :  I have a fascination with Bitcoin History, despite only being officially 13 years old. There is also the pre-Bitcoin history

Early e-currencies That lay The Foundation For The Development Of Bitcoin

Then there was the A Brief Bitcoin History Lesson series of posts on Publish0x.

And more recently the noise channel A Brief Bitcoin History to record some of the history and history in the making.

As well as finding it all interesting, I also feel it is important to know one's history and hopefully learn something from it. Helps you avoid making the same mistakes again and again, especially the ones other people have already made.  

The Bitcoin Adoption Roadmap 


Satoshi Nakamoto announced the Bitcoin whitepaper on a cryptography mailing list on Halloween 2008. It was titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. 

For more on the significance of the Halloween connection, suggest you read  Was The Bitcoin White Paper Intentionally Published on Halloween


January the 3rd 2009 the Genesis Block is mined. ✅

A Brief Bitcoin History Lesson - The Genesis Block

  • Modern versions of Bitcoin number it as block 0, though very early versions counted it as block 1

  • It was the only block not to reference an earlier block

  • The block is unique because it has a 50 BTC reward subsidy that can never be spent

  • Bitcoin is still being sent to the Genesis Block address 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa and currently there have been 3405 transactions and 68.55052796 BTC received

  • It reproduces the message published in the cover of “The Times” validating the January 3, 2009 date

And people were buying spongebob stickers, stamps and pencils with their Bitcoins. ✅

The first exchange was created on October 5. It was a bitcoin buying and selling service called the New Liberty Standard. The exchange rate was a ratio of 1,309.03 BTC for $1 USD. The value relationship was established according to the energy cost of mining Bitcoin or a kind of compensation for the mining of blocks according to the price of electricity. ✅

  • The first crypto/fait transaction was registered on October 12, 2009, where New Liberty Standard buys a total of 5,050 BTC from Sirius for an amount of $ 5.02 USD through PayPal

  • 1,010 BTC were equivalent to $ 1, which is the first increase in value of the price of Bitcoin.

  •  current value of this transaction is now $106,494,147.50



  • Bitcointalk user dwdollar  announced the creation of the Bitcoin Market portal ✅

  • Bitcoin Market offered a floating exchange rate for bitcoin

  • bitcoins could be bought and sold from person to person, including payment systems such as PayPal

60,000 books? We have to take Immanue at his word here. Tried various search parameters but came up with zilch. My guess it would have been Amazon. If anybody knows any different, please leave in the comments.


  • Thanks to Laszlo, Bitcoin Pizza Day was born ✅

  • 10,000 bitcoins for 2 large pizzas

How Did You Celebrate #BitcoinPizzaDay?

Bitcoin Faucet

  • The term Magic Internet Money had not entered the common vernacular.

  • Gavin created a website called The Bitcoin Faucet, soon after discovering Bitcoin ✅

  • just solve the "captcha" then enter your Bitcoin Receiving address and press GET Some:

  • Gavin gave away 5 bitcoin per visitor

  • Gavin was lead developer for a part of the Bitcoin digital currency project. 

A Brief Bitcoin History Lesson - Bitcoin Faucet - 2010


Silk Road marketplace ✅

  • Founded in 2011 by Ross Ulbricht 

  • Ross went by the moniker Dread Pirate Roberts. 

  • With one bitcoin worth $47.15, you could buy 10 hits of LSD for $74.50

Bitpay payment processor

  • founded by Tony Gallippi and Stephen Pair 

  • launched May

  • provides bitcoin and bitcoin cash payment processing services for merchants ✅

  • by October 2012 had grown to 1,100 merchants


Bitcoin ATMs ✅

  • first ATM went live October 28.

  • accepted cash only

  • situated downtown cafe in Vancouver, Canada


PayPal allows its merchants to accept Bitcoin ✅

  • document submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission states that a merchant using PayPal can “integrate with Braintree to begin accepting payments with credit or debit cards, PayPal, Venmo, digital currencies such as Bitcoin, or other payment solutions with a single integration.”


Paypal goes full circle.

  • Starting as an early means of buying bitcoin with New Liberty Standard

  • Launches new service enabling Users to Buy/HODL/Sell Crytpocurrency ✅

the Simpsons ✅


small country ✅


The first football (soccer) referee is paid in Bitcoin. ✅

Yes our very own @PVMihalache.

Playing the Bitcoin Game: Real Bedford v Shefford & Campton

Four year old is orange pilled by grandfather ✅

  • has own Ledger Nano X and S (backup), marked with blue sticker with initials. 

  • portfolio includes BTC, XTZ, MATIC, SOL and ETH. All dust collected from faucets and our very own Publish0x.

  • "Goodnight Bitcoin" and Shamory Card game are the birthday presents.

How Do You Orange Pill A 4 Year Old?


BitcoinRacing team UK races in the Porsches Carrera Cup ✅

Bitcoin On Speed And The El Salvador Connection

£10 in FREE bitcoin 🔥 For You And Your Normie

The Never Ending 

Support Your Local Bloggers Grandson Stacking Sats

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Peer2Peer marketplace for buying and selling BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, and BCH

$ 1.09
$ 0.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @PVMihalache
$ 0.05 from @ZeroRequiem
+ 1
Avatar for Bragato18
1 year ago
Topics: Bitcoin


Will ETH overtake BTC after the merge?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

is that a serious question? would depend on your time frame how one answered the question. it is possible but would need a few criteria to be met. Disclaimer We had enough ETH to run a node but sold most last year to buy our beach shack. We did not sell any of the BTC. Only kept enough ETH to pay fees for the rest of our lives. What I like about BTC is it is simple tech, it will just keep doing/being BTC. With a secure base layer one can build tech stacks on top. ETH is way to fkn complicated for my simple tastes. I respect VB but some of his comments don't bode well for ETH. But I respect that he still voiced them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think people expect ETH to overtake BTC after the merge to Proof of stake. I think it weakens the case for ETH and strengthens BTC position.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

people didn't expect Lunar to fall out of the sky but it did

$ 0.00
1 year ago

PVM will be a celebrity like Laszlo one day

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hopefully for better reasons than paying millions for 2 pizza

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The Silk Road story is absolutely bananas! Have you ever seen the documentary about it?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

no I haven't seen the doco

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Check this out if you have some spare time. Maybe throw it on to listen in the background....INSANE

$ 0.00
1 year ago