Bitcoin On Speed And The El Salvador Connection

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Avatar for Bragato18
2 years ago

Believe it or not Bitcoin on Speed is actually the title of a White Paper. 

Bitcoin on Speed

But you will have to read the post to find out the El Salvador Connection.

But I find that is quite ironic that this all started with a beach called Bitcoin. Cause that was the title of an earlier post.

It All Started With A Beach Called Bitcoin

Bitcoin Beach

This post started with the following @Bitcoinbeach retweet. And as you may already know, I just love irony.

WTF. We have Bitcoin Racing, El Salvador flag, and seeking 110 more Bitcoin psychopaths in a tweet. This definitely deserved a follow.

Would have been cool to be #2000, but still proud to be #2084.

So now their tweets start showing up in my twitter feed. To be honest not a fan of motor sport or sport in general for that matter. 

But today lying on the couch, something I seem to be doing a lot these days, being winter and all. This tweet about food popped up in my feed. (Oh no more irony) 

Now food is another of my favourite past times, so this tweet got my whole attention.

Disclaimer: I have had El Salvadoran food at local markets and like most of the food from that part of the world. It is simple but very yummy in my tummy, as my grandson would say.

Have to admit at first I thought that El Salvador had their own BitcoinRacing team. But then it suddenly dawned on me what the El Salvador flag thing was all about. As they say the penny dropped.

Off down the rabbit hole we go again.

Bitcoin Racing Team

Founded by Charles MacKenzie and Andrew MacKenzie in January 2022, when the original White Paper was released to the world.

BitcoinRacing is a family owned and run racing team that is using Motorsports as a medium to increase awareness of Bitcoin and their Sponsors.

Their membership clubs start with

  • EL HODL club with a one time subscription or

  • The DCA Club, speaks for it's self or

  • The Satoshi Club and become a micro-sponsor (only 1 million sats) or

  • for the serious motorsport enthusiast or sponsor, Club 21 VIP members. Own a porschen of the Porsche, and shares in sponsorship/ prize money. Get invited to hospitality at every race, and the celebration party in El Salvador at the end of the season.

Or if you prefer Get £10 in FREE Bitcoin

  • download the Luna app on your device, no not the Chivo app

  • sign up and verify your identity

  • enter the code BPBITCOINRACING into the rewards tab

  • get £10 in FREE Bitcoin to your new wallet

£10 for you and £10 goes towards supporting the BitcoinRacing team.

The El Salvador Connection

Mathew, a BitcoinRacing team member, just happens to speak fluent Spanish. Mathew called up the El Salvador UK embassy  (phone +44 20 7224 9800) and told them about the BitcoinRacing team.

Ever since then the BitcoinRacing team has been given permission to display the El Salvadoran flag.

Vanessa Interiano the El Salvadoran ambassador came to the BitcoinRacing's first race and continues to show the colours. Here she is with Sebastion and the Bitcoin car

And the El Salvadoran embassy invited the team for a Pupusa night. Where BitcoinRacing presented Vanessa with a picture of the BitcoinRacing car

and it now resides in Vanessa's office under the portrait of El Presidente.

Note: Live Down Under and we don't do that British manners and proper things very well. It cuts against the grain. But for the record Vanessa's proper title is Her Excellency, Ms. Vanessa Interiano, Ambassador of El Salvador to the UK and Ireland. 

Sebastion Melrose

Sebastion Melrose is one of El Salvador’s most well-known racing drivers and is soon to sign up as an official driver for the team. 🤞

Sebastion achieved a podium position for BitcoinRacing at the first race.

BitcoinRacing Shop

How cool would it be to wear one of their t-shirts. Or a hoodie for winter, baseball cap, water bottle, you can even buy them a beer (that would be warm of course) or coffee. 

BitcoinRacing Official Merchandise


I like their style of Orange Pilling, combining family, cryptocurrency and racing cars.

But there is so much more to this story, so give them a follow on one of their social media, join a club or give your grandmother a cool present for Christmas.


Apoye A Sus Blogueros Locales Nieto Stacking Sat

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$ 1.48
$ 1.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Bragato18
2 years ago


I didn't know about Bitcoin racing. Good to know something new.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

same here and I ended up contacting them via twitter for some background

oops just realised already answered, sorry for double up

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it was news to me too. Some one commented about Real Bedford is going on Bitcoin standard after being bought by Peter McCormack (BTC maxi)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Another new info. Thanks 👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

interested to know if any one had heard of the BitcoinRacing team prior to today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago