The story of a married woman

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3 years ago

Each married woman has her own story to tell: of the love her husband's people have for her or their rejection of her. In the main, we assume that majority of marriages would be successful but for the encouragement by the husband's people in the couple's private life.

Grace's experience comes from a true life situation transposed on a different setting and background. Hers, like that of most married women is the story of blackmail, persecution and hatred from her husband's people.

If the husband knew when his people started hating his wife, that the hatred or persecution would eventually extend to him, he would do everything possible to nib it at the bud, before things got out of control.

As Emmanuel told Stephen his brother, if you claim that you love me as your brother, you must love what I love and hate what I hate. The person I love most and hold so dear in this life is my beautiful wife..... Putting it the other way around,....of you hate her, it means you hate me too.....

Your brother's wife does not necessarily have to live up to your expectations, but that of the husband. And your brother deserve to think and act in a different way from what you would expect. He is entitled to his opinion and must be respected. His set of values can be different from yours.

Our women folk should remember that mother's-in-law are wives, so also are sister's, daughters, female cousins, aunt's. They are wives or wives to be. Paradoxically, they are also the husband's people, yet they are the actual people who do the gossips, blackmailing, hating and persecuting. It is an irony of life that they are the wives who persecute wives isn't it funny that womanhood is struggling to destroy womanhood.

They are those pointing one accusing finger at other wives while the other four fingers are pointing at them in the process.

Grace advises R🌹se ....." Do to me in your brother's house what you wish others to do to you in their brother's house too". This reminds us of one living truth in the Bible: " Whatever one sow, same shall he reap".

Grace was forced to remind her mother's-in-law that her children were also wives to sons of other women. But in the reverse the mother-in-law prayed that Grace should receive in her son's house the same treatment as she (Grace) meted out to her in her son's house.

Whose will be answered. Grace's or that of her mother-in-law??

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3 years ago
