The Priceless Element of Peace!
Peace is an issue on everyone's mind. Its establishment is most urgent and vital. Now that you have given some thought to the principles outlined in the prevalent discourse of society, you may find it beneficial to reflect on the question of universal peace.
Much depends on the government to take practical steps to eliminate war. Political agreement to settle disputes and to reduce arms are essential to the pursuit of peace, as are myriad forms of international collaboration among nations. Yet no matter how important such measures are, they will not lead to enduring peace if the following quotations of Baha'u'llah are not instituted and practiced:
Women and Men have been and will always be equal in the sight of God.
Know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other.
The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.
All the saplings of the world have appeared from one tree, and all the drops from one ocean and all beings own their existence to one being.
The light of a good character surpassed the light of the sun and the radiance thereof.
Man's distinction lieth not in ornaments or wealth, but rather in virtuous behavior and true understanding.
Unless people learn to investigate reality and come to realize that truth is one, will not age-old animosities, we must ask ourselves, continue to persist? We all have the same origin. God keeps watch over us all and trains us all through His Manifestations. Their teaching rest on the foundation of love and fellowship. Only when the oneness of religion is acknowledged will religious strife cease and the light of religion illuminated the path of peace.
Is not necessary for science and relief to work in harmony, we must further ask, to dispel the clouds of ignorance and demonstrate the falsehood of every form of prejudice, each a mighty barrier to peace.
Can a peaceful world be built, is yet another question to ask, if the present inordinate disparity between the rich and poor is not addressed in every corner of the globe. And not until women are allowed to move into all spheres of human endeavor on equal footing with men will the violence that has to characterize so much of history give way to peace and true prosperity.
The rising generation must be universally educated according to such principles, otherwise, every hope for peace will be shattered.
The following words of Baha'u'llah shed more light on the subject of peace.
The well-being of mankind, its peace, and security are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established.
It is not desirable that a man be left without knowledge or skills, for he is then but a barren tree.
The promotion of education is the most urgent requirement of our time. No nation can achieve prosperity unless it makes education one of its central concerns. The primary reason for the decline of a people is lack of access to knowledge.
Education must begin at infancy. A father and mother must do their utmost to educate their children, to refine their characters according to spiritual and moral laws, and to ensure that they are trained in the arts and sciences. Mothers are the first educators of humankind, they nurse their children at the breast of knowledge. Every child must be educated, this is not a matter that can be neglected. If the parents can meet the necessary expanse, they must do so. Otherwise, the community must provide the means for the child's education.
"Education begins at home" so they say. The values one learn from childhood can be his stepping stone as he comes out into the society.