Did you know that your relationship can last forever?Here is how.

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3 years ago

As divorces around over increases all the way to 50% in marriages, people are wondering how a relationship can last.Well here are my top 3 tips:

1. Partner of love.

Two types of love are generally the basis of marriage: romance and the couple. Romantic love is most common in the early stages of a relationship. It is characterized by euphoria, intense physical attraction, frequent sexual interactions and obsessions with the partner. Sometimes it can feel like an emotional roller coaster ride. Passionate love, however, tends to fade after the first two years of a relationship, when couples are particularly prone to breakups. Therefore, it is advisable to wait for the decision to get married until this point has passed. Then the couples can judge if they have switched to romantic partners. This type of connection is more stable and predictable than passionate love, but less exciting. The couple's bond can be described as deep, comfortable and loving.

Some say that the happiest, longest lasting couples are best friends - they enjoy each other's company, are emotionally dependent on each other, spend free time together, and share a lot of things in common. The risk of romantic love is that the couple will feel very friendly. What can you do to keep the spark alive?

2.The need of fullfillment

successful relationships are characterized by a mixture of predictability and novelty. Too much chaos and spontaneity is inappropriate; very little leads to boredom. When people are bored in a relationship, they are at a greater risk of infidelity and divorce. Members can avoid boredom by incorporating new and exciting activities into their lives. You can dance salsa, go skydiving, or try new hangouts or vacation spots. And new activities outside of the bedroom tend to increase the passion in the bedroom.

A second way for partners to maintain a satisfying relationship is to make sure that they meet each other's needs. Each of us has different needs and partners need to communicate and learn what is most important to each other. For example, one person may enjoy homemade meals while another often prioritizes sexual activity. Those who meet their partner's needs and do better than another partner will see great commitment in their union.

3.Mutual committment

Couples must believe that the relationship will work regardless of the situtation. A lot people marry with the idea that it will last forever, but as time goes by at some point at least one spouse changes their mind. It's important to talk to your partner about your perspective on engagement. For example, do you think who will break the agreement? If this is true, what are they?If you want to keep the relationship going for the rest of your life, your partner should feel the same way about the relationship, and you both should be willing to work to make it happen.

Suggestion Before getting married, it may be a good idea to see a professional therapist who can help you discuss and resolve different points of view. Couples who participate in marriage counseling are also more open to a therapist if they have problems with the marriage in the future, which increases their chances of staying together. Note that the only ones who can break the relationship are the partners themselves. If you keep busy to make it work, nothing can stop you.

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3 years ago
