Learn Greek yogurt and its seven benefits

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3 years ago

Greek yogurt is not only one of the most important nutrients in any balanced diet, but it is an excellent way to get calcium and iodine

Eating Greek yogurt is not just a hobby. This type of dairy product, which is completely different from regular, sweet yogurt, quadrupled its production between 2008 and 2013. Greek yogurt makers add an extra stage to this process, so that the excess water, milk sugar and minerals are drained. After this stage, there is leftover creamy yogurt with less sugar, more carbohydrates, and a tart flavor. The acidity also makes it easier for your body to absorb other nutrients.

Regular Greek yogurt is a nutritious snack with lots of health benefits, and in this article we explore together the health benefits of Greek yogurt.

Filled with nutrients

See the nutrition chart below to see how many vitamins and nutrients a cup of skimmed Greek yogurt contains. A medium serving of it, can contain 12 to 17 grams of protein.

A cup of plain Greek yogurt helps meet the dietary guidelines for the three-day serving of low-fat or fat-free dairy products. People who are intolerant to milk sugar may also find Greek yogurt easily digestible due to the bacterial breakdown of milk sugars.

1. Protein power

There is more protein in yogurt than in milk, and your body uses protein to build:

  • Bones

  • Muscles

  • Cartilage

  • skin

  • Poetry

  • the blood

Protein is also one of the three nutrients that provide the body with energy. It also transports substances - such as oxygen - across cell membranes. Getting the right amount of protein is important for your immune system, nerves, and fluid balance.

You will need more protein to maintain muscle mass as you age. According to a Mayo Clinic report , for adults 65 and older, the amount of protein required increases to between 1 and 1.2 grams per kilogram of weight each day.

Greek yogurt is a great source of protein, especially if you must stay away from meat. If you enjoy chia seeds, add two tablespoons of it for a boost of protein and fiber.

2. Probiotics keep you normal and happy

Greek yogurt is full of probiotics (nutritional bacteria supplements). Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help boost your immune system and reduce stomach problems; Like diarrhea and pain.

3. Calcium is the key to good health

Another benefit of Greek yogurt is that it contains a high amount of calcium. Calcium builds strong muscles and helps vital systems function. And your body cannot build calcium alone. Without enough calcium, children may not grow taller and adults can become at risk of developing osteoporosis.

A Greek yogurt serving contains 18.7% of your daily calcium. Greek yogurt is an excellent choice for older adults who want to keep their bones healthy. It is also ideal for being comfortable and easy to consume, especially for those who have trouble chewing.

4. One of the sources of vitamin B-12

Your body needs vitamin B-12 for red blood cells to form brain function and DNA synthesis. One serving of Greek yogurt can contain up to 2.13% of your daily need.

Vegetarians usually lack vitamin B-12 because this vitamin is usually found in animal products; Like fish, meat, and eggs. Greek yogurt is an excellent meat-free way to make your diet better.

5. Potassium balances the sodium

Most people have a lot of sodium in their diet. Greek yogurt not only contains very little sodium, it also has a lot of potassium. What is their relationship with each other? Think of the scenario as a swing. There must be a balance between potassium and sodium in the body, and Greek yogurt will help you get the right proportions of them.

6. Iodine controls your waist size

Greek yogurt is filled with iodine. Iodine is important for thyroid function, and the thyroid gland is essential for a healthy metabolism. Today people tend to have very little iodine, which can cause serious problems, including rapid changes in weight. For people who have weight problems, increasing the amount of iodine in their diet increases the efficiency of the thyroid gland and thus increases the metabolism that promotes weight loss.

7. Thin factor

Although Greek yogurt is thicker than regular yogurt, and thus not very sticky, some people still don't care about its consistency. The only way to solve this is by combining yogurt with a cold " smoothie ". You can use it as a topping over other foods. I suggest you use it as a substitute for sour cream on top of chili or baked potatoes. You can also make healthy ice cream at home by freezing Greek yogurt with fresh fruit.

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