Canada and Television 

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3 years ago

Entertainers perform in theaters in the past. They want all people to like their work. Today people make TV shows and movies. Companies want all people in the world to like their work.

The USA is famous for its TV shows. However, a company says that Canada makes the most popular shows in the world. People like drama stories and children’s programs the best. These shows are also in English. Many people want to see shows in English.

Originally, American companies go to Canada to make TV shows. Now more Canadian shows win awards. Canadian companies make more of their own shows.

Difficult words: entertainer (a person who sings, dances, acts, or does other fun activities for people to watch), perform (sing, dance, act, or do other work in front of other people), theater (a theater is a place for plays, dancing, singing, comedy, speeches, and also movies).

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Avatar for Bolee99
3 years ago


good post, carry on dear

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3 years ago