Do not maximize your pride. No matter your accomplishments, some people are better than you. Lower your wings because you're not the pioneer and you won't be the pioneer of anything. Yesterday, someone was the head of the state, today, it's another person's turn. Tomorrow will be a different story too because it'll be for another person. Why the shameful pride? Sometimes, it could be menaced.
Hours ago, some people woke up to life just like you and I did. The next couple of hours could be another story of them. So, why the useless pride? No matter how inclined you are, numerous of professors have been buried and no one can ever wear their dignitions.Pride is pleasure arising from a man's thinking too highly of himself.
Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important. When you feel too much important within you, you lower the sight on highness of other people.
_Change your mind and erase your prideful mind. In general,pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes. Once you mask it, you'll find it hard to find your faults.
I love this.