I Loathe Bullying

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2 years ago

I’m saying it again, I loathe bullies.

It’s funny how my first article which I had planned would be an introductory one, giving you all insight into my personal life and my character, has taken a new turn, a good one if you ask me hahaha. Don’t worry I promise it would be worth your read

I just got so riled up and I think I’d use mad instead of uncomfortable because that’s exactly how I felt after reading a story of the net. I won’t bore you with the details but rather I’d make my stance and share my opinion on the matter.

Bullying can come in various shapes and manner, it could either be physical bullying , cyber bulliesy, verbal bullying, sexual bullying, social bullying and even domestic bullying. At this point I want to say that if you are a bully of some sort, now is the best time to stop. Please put an end to it now, and don’t ever ever do it again. Also no form of bullying is better than the other they all cause pain in the end.

Of course physical bullies are the ones that inflicts some form of bodily harm on their victims, by either beating them up or engaging in all other kinds of acts which ultimately causes harm to the other party.

Cyber bullies, these ones are the almighty keypad warriors. They are cowards who sit in their houses, phone in hands and start bullying people. Why do i call them cowards? Most of them, I dare say 95% of them cannot utter those words in person . They are cowards because they feel sheltered by the comfort of their homes, brandishing their keypads as swords to blind attack people going about their normal day. I once read a story of how a certain social media user bullied a celebrity, the celebrity tracked him down through the police and they started heaping the charges upon charges….in the end he was in prison for close to 2 months, serves him right yeah? He learnt his lessons, did a public apology and discouraged everyone else from doing such.

Just as there are some who fights with keypads, so also we have the ones who fight with their tongue, oh damn these ones fight very dirty. They can bring your self esteem down within seconds. 

Another common type is also workplace bullying, senior staff bullying junior staff, bullying between colleagues and the likes of it. Just because you are in a position of power, or you are more financial empowered doesn’t mean you should become a bully.

The saddest form of bullying in my opinion is the one that happens in the family. A family/home is where one should feel safest the most place for both the children and parents. A home is supposed to be a place of sanctuary, but when parents verbally bully their children, or bully each other, and if truly the home is the building block of the world at large, then it means the world at large is not safe. 

I am not a bully, I do not condone it.

Can you say that for yourself in all honesty?

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2 years ago
