Netflix takes zombie show to a new level with, All Of Us Are Dead tv show

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Avatar for Bob_skiddo
2 years ago

The movie, All of us are dead is a high school horror show and one of the best movie to watch in 2022.

The settings of this high school horror drama is unique, compared to the Korean Train to busan.

In the beginning of the story before the outbreak of the zombie infection, a male student is frequently and violently bullied. His father, Mr. Lee, works in the same school as a biology teacher. Mr. Lee, want to create a virus that will preys fear in humans so to turns it into rage in a bid to make his son stronger and cope with the bullying in school.

However, things got out of hands as these experiment turns out bad. First person that got infected is a hamster in Mr. Lee’s science lab and he ends up biting a student. This is where the virus starts spreading around the school and in the city.

All of Us Are Dead was captured in great detail the grotesque violence of high school social dynamics: the back stabbing and relentless gossiping, the unkind politicking act and the festering churn of misery. While a few people make efforts to protect to rein in the violence and protect the innocents, the students are largely left to fend for themselves.

Some characters offer acts of immense self-sacrifice after realizing that they have been invected and about to turn to a zombie, just like one student who throw himself at a group of rushing zombies to save time for his friends. Also a woman ties herself to a door in other not bit her baby when she turns. Another offers himself as a distraction to the zombies as to buy survivors more time to run away. Others distance themselves with tears from their peers.

All of Us Are Dead distinguishes its focus. This, combined with the drama-filled high school setting, helps the show carve out its own space in the crowded zombie pantheon. At the same time, it recalls the hallowed battle song that all great tales and stories possess.

$ 3.37
$ 3.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
+ 1
