Ecoin is a Free Crypto Currency that let you earn everyday $1-10$

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Avatar for Blurryface
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash

Hi guys I want to share this opportunity I hope you will read through the end I know this is too long but trust me this is so worth it, promise I really appreciate you reading this and clicking my story spent time to it. Thank you so much I hope you have a good health and we are going to rich someday.

Information you need to know about Ecoin Cryptocurrency.

Ecoin crypto is release in 2020, it is ECOIN the first based email/phone# register crypto also the world's simplest Cryptocurrency and world fastest growing crypto.

Yes you read it right! In just 60+ days they already acquired 3million+ users!

The bright future awaits to hit 1$ for each ecoin! We are so close for that since the ECOIN price is 📉$0.00175 per Ecoin!

It is not too late to earn big and hold ecoin since it is very free no hidden charge or anything and the days / years goes by the price of each ecoin is going up there's no stopping.

I'm gonna teach you the whole method to earn in this crypto without investing, only all for free!

First thing, this is the logo of "Ecoin the crypto for everyone"

Ecoin is the fastest growing crypto it started to an airdrop, which users get 1,000 ecoins per 1 person they invited. When the person you invite have a invite you will also have a commission.

Now, the Earning of the site is not base on refferals, they added other ways to earn ecoin without Inviting if you are the type of person who hates inviting people.

You can earn ecoins by doing this👇


(200 ecoins per 1 person way back it is 1k ecoins)

2️⃣ Scratch

(earn 10,000 ecoins by scratching tickets)

3️⃣ Wishoo

(1.5 ecoins every like of post and comment)

4️⃣ News

(You earn 60 ecoins by pasting the link of news in any social media platforms when 20 persons click the link or read the news)

5️⃣ Posts

(You earn .50 ecoins when people or your followers vote your post. To able to post you need 50 Fully Valid Refferals and 5,000 ecoins)

6️⃣ Monthly interest 10% in save and earn automatic you earned.

Note: The ecoin they will give is not started in zeros like 0.000100 or 0.001 NO the ecoin you will earn is literally 1 ecoin 2 ecoins 3 ecoins NOT started with zero.

This is the information or to track your refferals👇

This is the information of you invited and the refferals of your refferal

Started to Friends Joined from the word itself you will get what does it mean.

First F.V Refferal - Direct Fully Valid Refferals who does KYC

First J.V Refferal - Direct Valid Refferals who does not do the KYC

Second Refferal - The person you invite have also a refferals

First View - The person who clicks your link but DID not register

What is the difference between Fully Valid and Valid Refferals?

Answer: The difference is when someone join or register in your link that is what we called VALID. When the person do the KYC (btw, you don't need id or etc) you just need Whats app, Telegram and Ecoin wallet the yellow one logo to do the KYC. when person do the KYC that is what we called FULLY VALID and only Fully Valid are able to withdraw

What if my refferals will not do the KYC?

Answer: it is ok, the ecoin will reflect in your dashboard as "other balance" or as "Saving Balance" just wait until they do the kyc or message them and guide them to be a fully verified user, when they already done the kyc the ecoins will reflect in your "Current Balance"

This is your DASHBOARD👇

Saving Balance - Total amount of ecoins you have in your saving balance 10-15% earnings (subject on your level) , every month the percentage of your SV will reflect in your current balance which you can withdraw.

Current Balance - This is the available for withdrawal, and also if you like to deposit your ecoin in current balance to Saving Balance to earn 10-15% monthly interest.

Other Balance - Like I said is when someone join in your link and NOT fully verified the ecoins will reflect in "Saving Balance" and "Other Balance" just wait until they FULLY VERIFIED it will reflect in your current balance.

Total Balance - All ecoins in your Dashboard.

Current Value - The $ price value of all ecoins you have in your dashboard

Future Value - If the ecoin will reach the goal value of ecoin

Lottery Ticket - This is where you can monitor or track your tickets to able to scratch and earns 50-10,000 ecoins. You can earn tickets by your fully valid refferals and holding your ecoins in your wallet.

Wshoo Refferal Box - is the earnings of your refferals in liking or voting posts

Fact: Our number one platform where you can exchange or trade your ecoins to

👉 BITCOIN CASH / XRP / USDT /BITCOIN / ETH. In short into another crypto currency you like!

Is in 💲PROBIT exchanger💲

(I hope you guys understand <3)

Let's Go To


Fully Verified is very necessary, because you CAN'T withdraw your ecoin because you are not fully valid that is their number one protocol.

Don't be sad or frustrated because it take so much time??

No, because it will only takes 5 minutes or less to get FULLY VERIFIED.

So here we go, we just need 3 apps not a gb app only mb like 20mb or 50mb and after you are fully verified,you can delete it because the only purpose of it is to recieved OTP/CODE

  • The 3 apps you need is Telegram - Whats app & Ecoin Wallet


Download the 3 apps to be a fully verified user and for you to able to withdraw your funds.

After you downloaded the apps you can register here in my refferal link, this is the only one official site of Ecoin when you click the the provided link, you will see the homepage register now and read again to see how to fully valid or you can register later and read the whole.

Sign up using gmail!


Meaning if you see like this, you are redirected to official site of Ecoin.

If you already registered in the link, we proceed

You will see your dashboard like this, meaning you are not Fully Verified just a Valid user

Just follow these steps

Step 1: Click the Verify Mobile Number by that you will redirected to Whats app create name in your whats app and then you will be in the message with a number you will see in the top, just send the message and then done, go back in the site

Step 2: click Link Telegram watch out the pop up (not ads) in the dashboard after you click link telegram. You will see the messagw of pop up is (You will get 20 ecoins after you link your telegram) something like that is the message then you will see the small logo of Telegram

Again, You will see the word If i am not mistaken you will see the word FOR FREE then the next of that is a SMALL LOGO OF TELEGRAM CLICK IT!

You will be directed to telegram and then recieved the otp and done.

Step 3: Ecoin Wallet create wallet and save your key!

You are now a FULLY VERIFIED USER congrats!

By the way, by doing task you will earn ecoins all ecoins you will by just the linking is 300+ ecoins or $0.52

How to Withdraw ❓

Just click the WITHDRAW FUNDS and type the amount of Ecoins you want to withdraw.

  • Minimum withdraw is 250 ecoins

  • Maximum withdraw is 2,000 ecoins

The processing of Withdrawal is very fast the amount you withdraw will be there in yor wallet within 2-4 minutes.

Do I really make a payment or did they paid me❓

Answer: Yes, the lowest amount I earned in ecoin is 1$ a day, the biggest one is $8.21 in just 5 hours without doing nothing just copy paste my post. I have a proof!

$32 dollar and $3.66 the $3.66 I exchange in probit so that I can send it to my Coins Ph wallet BCH address this is all free guys no investment etc.

Please be aware to those people who demand your ecoins to invest here or anywhere, there is NOT YET platform of ecoins like that aside of EcoinChain in Wombat.

My Pay Out / My Proof / My Withdrawal Payment 👇

Hahahah now you know my real name.

In the next article I will be posting HOW TO TRANSFER ECOINS TO COINS PH.

The link of Ecoin is in the Fully Verified topic just scroll up and sign up using gmail!

I hope you guys understand and really enjoy reading this article. It really took me 2 hours to compile which one should I go first on writing so that you will not be confused. I am so very thankful because you read this and spent time to this article thank you so much guys.

I will also share here in readcash many earnings of mine on my next article.

Have a good day xxxxblurryxxx

#staysafe #bitcoincash #EcoinCryptoforEveryone

$ 0.00
Avatar for Blurryface
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash


That Ecoin looks interesting thanks I will try it .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah it really is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago