The Lost Tribe

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Avatar for BlueFlipper
1 year ago

Hello to all the beautiful read dot Cash Community! How are you?

Nowadays, I am on a Lahore tour. I am enjoying my life because I have a galaxy of friends here who made each day special for me. Our friends are our full life. Without them, our life will be dime and dull. Thank you, God, who blessed me with some precious friends in the real and virtual world. Before the start of today's article, "The Lost Tribe" I also want to thank all my friends who responded to my last article with their best advice and words.

Last night, I was taking a rest in my room. Suddenly, my mobile started to ring. I picked up the call, "Hello BlueFlipper, I am Jibran, your old University fellow. Can you spare a few hours for me?"

I responded,

"Thank you, Jibran. It had been too long since we met together. I have time for all my good friends always"

Jibran Responded,

"Please reach "The Lost Tribe" at 8:30 PM, I am waiting for you there"

I replied,

"I shall do my best to reach there as soon as possible, thank you for inviting"

After the invitation, I started to prepare myself for the party. I love late-night parties. It was the first time when I came to know about"The Lost Tribe" I was thinking it will be a restaurant or Juice corner where we can set and enjoy ourselves. I was curious and still have not confirmed where it is located in Lahore.

Anyway, I requested a Uber Car for my journey. The driver took seven minutes to reach my pickup point. Thanks to Uber map which helped me in tracing "The Lost Tribe"It is a well-furnished and decorated apartment located in G-Block Model Town Lahore. It was 17 Kilometers from my destination and took twenty minutes to reach there.

After reaching there, I was in love with the environment and Scenery. I didn't want to miss these moments, hence I entered the lost tribe restaurant instantly. It was the first snap that I captured to share with my readers here.

My friend was there, he embraced me. We sit on chairs and started to chitchat. He also asked about my favorite dish. I nodded with a smile. I was checking the menu. There were about 20 dishes there with all the options Chicken, Mutton, Beef, and Fish. Here is the whole Menu paper I snapped for my article 😂.

Then he emphasized tasting mutton Karahi at least once in your life from this restaurant. I happily accepted the suggestion. He ordered the service manager for Mutton Karahi. The Service Manager asked us to wait for one hour till our order will be completed.

After one hour, I received delicious and spicy Karahi. My mouth was watering but I have to wait because it was too hot. Anyway, each bite was full of taste. It was the first time in my life, I experienced such a delicious dish. I also took a snap and decided to share it here.

After eating this favorite dish, I give special feedback to my friend. I appreciated and praised them for his dish and the place, he found. It was outclassed and full of distinction. Staff and managers were fast in providing good services. I promised him, I shall invite him sooner when I shall come here.

Closing Thoughts

We all have a burden of responsibilities and busy life. Our life is reducing in span rapidly. We should spare some moments to entertain and enjoy. We should have time to gaze at the beauty of nature and research about nature. People who are interested in Tourism are Physically and Psychological strong. Our minds also need fresh scenes and delicious dishes for healthy working. I am not here to calculate all protein and carbohydrate needs of the body. But we should eat healthy and delicious dishes once or twice on a weekend. No doubt, there is no competition for mother's cocking. But there are many good Chefs in the outside kitchen also.

I also suggest to all my readers. We should give time to friendship also. There are many people here who want to spend a few seconds with us. My above tour was healthy and happy because I did something for my fellow and he was happy at the end. We should understand others feeling and we need to enjoy delicious and spicy dishes.

Thanks for reading and supporting me.

$ 1.60
$ 1.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Pantera
$ 0.03 from @Jane
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Avatar for BlueFlipper
1 year ago


This is looking so good and delicious.... Ade me starving 😂. I am glad you enjoyed the tasty food. That's true we should spare a few moments for ourselves and for some enjoyment, gaze the beautiful nature

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you well-wisher, you have good words for me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was beautiful moment with your old time friend. It's good if we can spare some time with our loved ones especially those we have seen for a long time.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

We can spare many good moments for our special people believe me. How are you?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And that's how two long lost friends had a tasty dinner at The Lost Tribe!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Exactly, we both friends enjoyed not only dinner but also chitchat.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Food looks so delicious and costly too. Especially the karhaii..... 🤤

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It is no doubt delicious and costly but I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks a lot and welcome to my blog.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Glad you spared some quality time for your friends :) And the food looks delicious!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, I am happy to spend few hours of my life with great friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Glad to know sis!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Everything should be balanced. Finding that balance is challenging. I'm happy to see you having a great time with your friends and eating delicious food.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you, I love to eat delicious dinner always.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow that karahi looks mouth watering delicious, oh I feel jealous from you now kidding am glad you had a great time at "The lost tribe" restaurant.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You don't need to be jealous I can share it with you if you want 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago