Hello everyone. Its been a long time since I published my first article here introducing myself. Now I am gonna share one of my art, a hand crafted pencil holder. I made this out of recycled materials that can be found on my job location. I will write the procedure on how to do it as well as the materials needed to create this pencil holder.
So let's start!
The first thing to do was I searched for the molder. I used a plastic cup, the disposable one. I used two plastic cup for this one. A big one and small one.
I used skim coat for the body of the pencil holder. I pour the skim coat between the space of the small and big plastic cup. I let it dry for 1 hour and removed the plastic cup.
I thought for an additional details on it as a design. I decided to searched a word in Google and I found this Japanese word that if you will going to translate in English it means Jesus the Savior.
I colored it with brown color to make it more look old, classy and antique.
This is the finished product of my hand crafted pencil holder. I made this artwork without spending a single penny.