The fisher of monsters LONE BOATMAN - Splinterlands -

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Avatar for BluMela
3 years ago

Hi guys, today we are talking about a new monster, a monster that likes to attack from the rear using a RANGED attack.

It is part of the LIFE element, an element that is not very congenial to me but still strong and I believe if you enhance the cards of this element they can become unstoppable but for now, I have preferences for other elements.

This card has the drawing of a boat ride together with its captain or fisherman competing for the old Sanpei protagonist of a cartoon from a few years ago.

But just get lost in chatter and let's analyze this monster that despite not being one of my favourites, when I use it always fills me with satisfaction, turning into the decisive card for victory.

As written above I don't use the monster chosen this week a lot, I don't use a lot of the element it belongs to I have privileges for other elements, the chosen card is:


An important resource for KHYMIANA, the BOATMANs manage the fishing and seafood industries but as good sailors, they also take care of the boats and control the INTERSPLINTER trade.
They live constantly in the seas and when KHYMERIA is attacked they are the first to spot enemies.
BOATMANS are sailors, fishermen, however their strength is not to be underestimated.


This card belongs to the UNTAMED edition, it is a common card of the LIFE element that can also be used by DRAGONS and has a RANGED attack.
This monster can be upgraded up to level ten.
Beware of RULESETS such as LITTLE LEAGUE which allows the use of monsters with a mana cost of four or less, BROKEN ARROWS which does not allow the use of cards with a RANGED attack and EVEN STEVENS which allows the use of only cards with even mana.


The few times I have used this card it has always helped me a lot in winning battles, however I have preferences for other elements ... every player has their own style and taste, Splinterlands is nice for that too.
Let's see in detail, LONE BOATMAN.

This fisherman starts with a RANGED attack of two which for the basic level is good too bad that by upgrading the card the attack does not improve by much, it reaches a maximum of three at level eight.
The speed starts from 2 and reaches a maximum speed of 4 at level seven, it seems that the boats of these fishermen have good engines :-).
This monster starts with one armour point and goes up to two at level four, while its life of three at level one reaches four as the final stage.


This card starts with the SNIPE ability which allows you to attack monsters with RANGED or MAGIC attack that are not in the front row.
When it reaches level five, a new REPAIR skill appears that allows you to repair some armour to friendly cards.
At level ten a third SHATTER ability is added that allows you to eliminate the armour of the monsters hit even if the power of the blow is less than the amount of the enemy shield.


The MANA cost is five for this card, I think it is appropriate given the characteristics of the card once it has been upgraded.

We just have to see LONE BOATMAN in action !!



  • STANDARD: No changes to Rulesets in-game.

  • MANA: 18


Ready for battle, I have deployed TYRUS PALADIUM Summoner RARE of the LIFE element, the ability of this card is to increase the armour of friendly cards by one.

In the front row as TANK I chose SILVERSHIELD PALADIN RARE card of the LIFE element with a MANA cost of five.
I chose this monster for its SHIELD ability which reduces damage taken from both MELEE and RANGED attacks.

In the second row, I deployed the CAVE SLUG common card of the LIFE element, I chose this card for its attack of two and despite having a MELEE attack it has the OPPORTUNITY ability that allows it to attack from the rear and hit monsters with less life.

In the last position, I entered LONE BOATMAN well protected by my first two cards and thanks to my Summoner he will get an extra point to his armour becoming resistant to any possible attack.

My opponent chose the DRAGON element by deploying a low-cost KRETCH TALLEVOR EPIC card in MANA 3, he has no abilities and therefore has a lower cost in MANA.

He paired the DRAGONS with the EARTH element and as TANK he deployed the UNICORN MUSTANG RARE card with a VOID ability that reduces magic damage, not very useful in this game.
She has a large amount of life and it will take several hits to take down this monster anyway.

In the second position he has inserted the GOBLIN CHARIOT card RARE of the NEUTRAL element, he has no abilities and uses a RANGED attack.

In the third row, he placed CREEPING OOZE common card NEUTRAL with a SLOW ability that reduces the speed of enemy cards, while in the last position he inserted FURIOUS CHICKEN the mythical NEUTRAL hen.

It took five Rounds to win the game, while my TANK held up under the blows of the big horse, our fisherman knocked down the rear aided by the small but powerful snail :).


This card, although the LIFE element is not my favourite, I find it very strong and enhanced takes on many interesting abilities.
SNIPE its initial power is very strong and in battle, it can be decisive, this card like all RANGED cards needs protection to be effective and if inserted correctly it can turn the game in your favour.

If you haven't tried this game yet my advice is to do it this is my link referral you can use the link if you like it or not but the point is always the one game to try! :-)

If you don't like using it;) below !.

Have fun and see you in battle !!

The photos and gifs are screenshots taken from the Splinterland game I own or from splinterlands source.

$ 3.20
$ 3.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for BluMela
3 years ago
