Dragon? Djinn Chwala!!

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Avatar for BluMela
2 years ago

Good evening guys !!

Do you see that I have nothing to do? I would have but I am in quarantine until December 24th due to contact with positive covid, I'm fine and you have to put up with me because I will spend a lot of time here with you :).

Today we go back to talking about monsters, the monsters of our favourite game or Splinterlands, we haven't talked about Dragons for a while and so today we dedicate ourselves to them more precisely to a new dragon card that I love and I intend to bring it to level maximum even if it will cost me madness.

Now before I start I ask you: do you have a favourite card? that you would never give up and that you intend to bring to the maximum level?

I'm curious to read your comments and try the cards indicated, who knows that some new ideas will not be born for my top ten cards to be upgraded.

Today we return after a long time to the island of DRAYKH-NAHKA, the mother island of the DRAGON element, as always we will talk about the positive and negative aspects of the card even if for the latter, the negatives, I found very few but just talk and let's see who it is and let's play a game.

Equipped with enormous power also helped by the strength of the planet behind them and ready to sacrifice to increase this power more and more today we are talking about a warrior dragon that I adore, today we are talking about:


This card has a high MANA cost of eight and I think it is more than fair given its power, not easy to insert into battle due to its huge cost but when possible insert it this card certainly stands out.

At level one she has attack two and if upgraded to level five she reaches power four the maximum she can get.
She has a low average speed of two and reaches a maximum of three at k-level five.
She has life nine already very high at level one and can reach a maximum of ten enhanced at level three, in addition to a large amount of life she also has a lot of armour already at the base level, five and increases up to use at level three.
Already this card is very strong but three skills are added that make it almost unbearable.

DJINN CHWALA starts with the THORNS ability, which I like, when this card is hit by a MELEE attack the damage is reflected by the attacker.
At level four the ENRAGE skill is added which increases attack and speed when hit, practically transforms into super Sayan :).
At level six, the maximum, a third ability TRUE STRIKE is added, this power allows him to always hit the opponent without the possibility of failing.

Let's try this monster in action in a, hopefully, epic match :) !!



  • STANDARD: No changes to Rulesets in-game.

  • MANA: 15


For this game, I chose the DRAGON element, the only element that allows me to use DJINN CHWALA, and I have deployed the SImmoner DRAKE OF ARNAK RARE card with a Mana cost of four, this summoner has the power to increase the armour of the friendly cards.

My opponent opted for the FIRE element by deploying PYRE RARE card with a mana cost of three, this Summoner increases the speed of friendly cards.

In the gif below you can see how the Summoners use their power.

In this game, it is known as a good card even if practically alone it wins against opponents with many more monsters, but our challenge card as pointed out before is a very strong ability to beat armies alone.

In the front row, I fielded DJINN CHWALA, I think he is one of the strongest TANK of the DRAGON element and in the front row he always says the about him thanks to his huge life, armour and the power him.

DJINN CHWALA's high mana cost didn't allow me to field many more cards and I only inserted the LIFE SAPPER RARE card of the DEATH element with a mana cost of three.
I associated DRAGONS with the DEATH element and chose this card for its low mana cost, confident that my Tank would be more than enough.

My opponent has deployed in the first position has deployed the Tank LIVING LAVA powerful card with medium-high life six and armour two but what makes it powerful is its SHIELD ability that reduces the damage taken from both RANGED and MELEE attacks.

In the rear he inserted a lot of cards with MELEE attack that against my TANK are destined to die at the first blow also thanks to the fact that they have very low life, my opponent has focused more on quantity than on quality which sometimes works but not in this case.
He has inserted three community cards including, SERPENTINE SPY attack MELEE of two and life one (certain death on the first shot), RADIATED SCORCHER attack MELEE of one and life two (certain death on the first shot) and at the bottom a Neutral card devoid of any what CHAOS AGENT

It took five rounds and our Tank wiped out all or all of them self-destructed by attacking it, DJINN CHWALA gave a little hand but DJINN CHWALA's power was devastating.




I love this monster and it has entered my top five monsters to upgrade and I have already done some purchases.
His enormous stamina with his abilities makes him almost unbeatable except for cards with magic attacks.
Perfect tank thanks to the power of him already from a basic level and a card to have in your deck because when possible insert it this card makes you feel ... and how it makes you feel ...
Also thanks to the fact that it does not have an exorbitant cost in the shop, this card I want to bring to at least level four to also use the ENRAGE power.

If you haven't tried this game yet my advice is to do it this is my referral link you can use the link if you like it or not but the point is always the one game to try! :-)

If you don't like using it;) below !.


The photos are screenshots of the Splinterlands Game I own or from the Splinterland source.

$ 0.92
$ 0.92 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for BluMela
2 years ago


May u bless with good health and happiness for long time.

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2 years ago