Why is there so much fuss?

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2 years ago

Have you noticed such a trend in society that people have started to fuss a lot? Even the word "fuss" has found a new freshness in usage. And I want to say right away that this trend does not come from a good life.

In order to understand why the fuss has become widespread, I suggest that everyone remember themselves when they overslept and were thus late for school. We started to hurry up, forgot to do something, got nervous, ran, sweated, etc. That is, the fuss is due to the fact that we do not have time. We are late. And we are late in development.

Or rather, we are not late, we have basically stopped. So much now degradation is pressing on people that development often stops at the age of 20, and either stands still or falls at a slow pace. But you and I know that time passes, age increases, and we must be of a certain quality at each specific stage of our life.

Therefore, the forces of nature put pressure of problems on an unsuccessful person, and the person, wanting to cope with them, begins to create fuss. And the greater the gap in being late, the greater the fuss.

Or the other side of the coin. For example, remember yourself when you arrived two hours before the train or plane. Also an unpleasant feeling of expectation, languor. And it seems like nothing serious to do, so as not to oversleep the boarding, and at the same time it’s unpleasant to just sit back and waste time. That is, there is some frustration. This is where the term "woe from wit" comes from. And although there are few such people who are ahead of their development in time, schizophrenia often awaits them too. Because you and I know that if you drive too fast, you can lose control.

Therefore, it is best to feel the time and space around you. Everything has its time. We should not go on about propaganda and at the age of 30 be developed like a 16-year-old teenager. In this way we create lateness with subsequent fuss. And we should not try too hard to become a genius at 20, because in this way we will break the connectivity of event-time boundaries.

It is best to arrive 15 minutes before the meeting to adjust breathing, calm down, and prepare a speech. So also in development, be a little smarter than your age so that you have space for rest and calmness when you need a break to prepare for a new breakthrough.

But slowness or excessive haste lead to different ends of non-existence.

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Avatar for Blogika
2 years ago


это правда. я трудоголик. Я с нетерпением жду начала работы и наслаждаюсь каждым днем, проведенным там. Мне дали шанс испытать то, что я бы назвал своей конечной целью. неограниченное время работы. 100 часов в неделю всегда было моей целью. при этом спит всего пару часов в сутки. как указано в вашей статье, когда вы гонитесь за здоровьем далеко вперед, и люди, которые заботятся о вас, могут пострадать. спасибо, что вы достаточно заботливы, чтобы напомнить мне, что важно, я немного больше наслаждаюсь жизнью. 😃😍💚

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2 years ago