Why Are Men And Women Different?

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2 years ago

Continuing the theme of family, I want to talk in detail with you today about why God created mankind of two different creatures: a man and a woman. What is the purpose of a woman for the world? And what is the purpose of a man for the world? Why does a man need a woman and why does a woman need a man ?! And what an ideal right relationship should look like in my opinion.

Many people now have a fashion to deny their gender and deny their biological characteristics. It is also fashionable now to change roles in relationships and have a wrong vision of people of the opposite sex.

For example, feminists pose as men, denying their biological ability to give birth. Men present themselves as henpecked for women, denying their ability to think. Other women compare men to inferior beings, while other men compare women to a commodity. In general, everything is mixed in a heap. But you and I know that truth is always one and very simple.

And let's start in order. Let's confess that since God created mankind of different types of people, he did it for a reason. And for some purpose. Casually nature will not even create an ant, not to mention the higher beings of the planet earth. Therefore, belittling the possibilities of one of the sexes is a wrong decision. I believe that both a man and a woman are equally important and needed. Everyone has the same value to God, they just manifest it in different ways.

The fact is that our world consists of two matters: solid, that is, physical, and intangible, that is, spiritual. The physical world is everything that we see: flowers, shoes, trees, borsch. The spiritual world: this is knowledge, energy, feelings, etc. And every matter is important for our world. Without one there would be no other. Without matter in the form of a brain, we could not think of knowledge. And without knowledge, we could not create and develop matter.

But here's the bad luck: it is difficult for a person to switch from the material world to the spiritual and vice versa. It takes a lot of time, which we have very little in a certain life. And therefore, God created different people, one is best suited to be responsible for matter, and the other for intellectually-spiritual knowledge. You must admit: it is much more beneficial and effective to delegate things than to carry everything on yourself.

As we can guess, a woman is closer to matter, this is proved by her unique ability to produce matter in the form of children. And a man is closer to the eternal mind, and this is proved by his unique ability to discover completely new knowledge. If this were not so, then everyone could give birth, and everyone could think.

But since we see that only a woman can produce matter from herself, unlike a man, it means that God created her for the material world. That is to say: the woman is the queen of matter. And we also see that only men create science, civilization and spiritual teachings, in contrast to women who do not know how to do this, which means that God created a man as his guide from the world of information to this physical world.

And so the question is: why does a man need a woman?

A woman is needed for a man to make life easier for a man on the physical plane, so that he can calmly engage in his mental task, without being distracted by everyday life. A woman must feed a man, solve everyday issues, solve financial needs, hear or read information somewhere and tell a man about it as an insight for thought. A woman should make the physical world easier for a man.

Also, a woman should help a man to realize himself as a guide of God. For this, if she allows her soul to grow and connect to eternity, it will be a huge thrill for a man, and he will have a plus in karma.

Also, by giving birth to his genetic children, she will allow the man to continue himself as a creator in the future through his children. After all, it is only through his children that, I believe, it is most effective for a man to transfer his knowledge to the future and increase it. After all, if he writes a book, someone may incompletely or incorrectly understand his thoughts, because they will perceive them through the prism of their psyche and biology. And his children, having his biological basis, absorbing his upbringing and ability to think from the very cradle, will understand the algorithm of the worldview correctly and extend it.

Therefore, a woman's ability to give birth should not be underestimated. After all, it is the woman who decides to give birth to a genius or a fool. And although at the moment women without exception give birth to idiots, and thereby waste their talent, but ideally, in order to give birth to a genius from a genius man, a woman needs to work very hard. And only if she pulls herself together and does everything right - we will be able to see in the future another important person for evolution.

The second question: why does a woman need a man?

A man guides himself, his woman, their children and the world towards God. He fills other people's lives with meaning. A husband for a wife is a personal antidepressant of her soul. Yes, a woman can learn information through other people, but such an individual approach and feeling precisely her delusions in her head - she can only receive through her only one.

A man invests intellectual and spiritual discoveries in their children, which allows a woman to feel that her genes have multiplied effectively, and they are survivable. Thanks to male upbringing, she will be calm for her children and will be proud of them, which will also positively affect her emotional background.

Overall, a man helps a woman connect to eternity, to the flow of information, and thereby develops her soul. This is of immense importance.

So now you have a rough idea of what an exemplary family looks like in my understanding ?! A woman takes more responsibility for the material world: she provides everyday needs, gives birth to brilliant children, helps a man in realization, gets high from the presence in her life of a creator and a guide to God. A man devotes himself to development and pulls up his wife and children. A man continues himself in children and makes his wife happy through meaningfulness.

I wish you all such healthy families.

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2 years ago
