What is beauty?

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2 years ago

You and I know that in our life there is such a thing as beauty. We consider some people to be beautiful, and some not so. Some features of the face and body are beautiful, and some are not. And there are, so to speak, beauty standards that for some reason are liked by everyone. And who decided that these standards are beautiful? Our genes decided it, that's it.

The fact is that you and I survive for millions of years only thanks to our genes, which have the only purpose in life - to survive and reproduce in the future, in short, to live! And our genes force us, by producing pleasant hormones, to think and act in such a way that our bodies, carriers of these genes, survive more efficiently.

That is why, when we see in front of us a partner of the opposite sex with the appearance and habits of a survivable type, our genes produce pleasant hormones to tell us that his children will be survivable, and we must take him.

And what is such a survivable appearance?

We all believe that lop-earedness is not beautiful, we often make fun of such people, calling them Cheburashki. That is, we consider flattened ears to be the standard of beauty, and protruding ones are disgusting to us. Why not the other way around? And the fact is that in the entire history of human existence, people with protruding ears survived worse, due to the fact that their auricles heard only what was happening in front and on the sides. And such ears had limited access to the sounds from behind, which is why they did not hear an attacking enemy from behind.

While a man with flat ears caught sounds throughout the area and thus could react sharply to an approaching enemy from any direction and defend himself. And since people around them saw that lop-eared people died more often than flat-eared ones, they created an evolutionary reflex that produced pleasant emotions for a flat-eared person and emotions of rejection for a lop-eared person.

Or, for example, we all like full lips as opposed to thin ones. The fact is that the larger the lips, the more surface of the receptors on them, which means that the taste of food is felt more qualitatively and subtly. That is why people with full lips could recognize unsuitable food in time and spit it out, while people with thin lips did not feel it and died of poisoning.

And so with all organs: we like big eyes in contrast to sunken ones, because with them we see more what is on the periphery of us, therefore, we reacted just as sharply to danger approaching from the sides. We like women with long legs because they ran away faster with their offspring from enemies and could save themselves and their children, unlike short-legged ones. And so on.

Therefore, when we talk about a person that he is beautiful, or some of his body parts are beautiful, then you should know that it is not you who are talking, but your genes, which remember that people with such traits always survived better, and therefore we need him to have children so that they, too, will better survive in the future. And therefore, genes produce pleasant hormones, seeing in front of themselves a potential prospect for further successful reproduction.

Conversely, when we see a person unpleasant to us, it just means that our genes remember that people with such features of appearance died more often, which means that it is better not to let him near us, so as not to have his equally non-surviving children.

But what about those people who have protruding ears, small eyes, narrow lips, etc. And the fact is that all this can be corrected by understanding how they are formed and what determines whether some people have beautiful facial features, while others have ugly features. But I will tell you about this beauty secret in the next article, so subscribe so as not to miss all the information useful to you!

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2 years ago
