DIARY: School Politics

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Avatar for BladeInk
2 years ago
Topics: Student, Memory, Reflection, July, Believe, ...


I didn’t go to church today.

I’d like to say it was due to circumstances like the fact that I came back from my overnight reading classes within the campus, and as such I was exhausted and weary, but the fact is that I didn’t initially intend to go. Maybe next week, which is what I’ve been saying all semester.

‘We all have our shortcomings” is probably the weakest line one could use here, seeing as this isn’t even a ‘shortcoming’ or ‘mistake’, but that won’t stop me from using it.

I spent the day with my class representative talking on matters that concerned the class politics – a game that was too dirty for college sophomores. Don’t get me wrong – politics was, is, and always will be a dirty game. A game that is full of masks and pretenses and hypocrisies too disgusting for my taste.

And yet I’m attracted to it like moths to a flame. There’s something about the intricacy of this grimy scene called politics that forces someone’s true nature to rise to the surface, no matter how hard they try to hide who, or what they are.

Anyway, today’s discussion was centered on a big meeting that was supposed to happen on Thursday after our finals. I can’t really get into the nitty-gritty of the situation, but know that it was centered around money. Yes, money, like always. Misappropriation, outright stealing, and then the lass representative was involved in a power tussle with other class officials because of his decision to confront the guilty party – the treasurer.’

I won’t miss that meeting for ANYTHING in the world.


Today was boring. Rain fell, interrupting and successfully ruining any plans I had slated for Monday. Now there’ll be a backlog of tasks to accomplish and I will have to be forced out of my default procrastinating character if I am to get anything done in my life.

Outside reading like it was my final year examinations (recall that I’m still a sophomore in a five-year diploma), I didn’t achieve much. Maybe I watched a little anime too – maybe. I can’t say for sure since my conscience wouldn’t let me do that in peace.

I surfed through Read.Cash a lot in my spare time, since reading IS one of my hobbies. There are really a lot of nice articles on here, and great writers too. Maybe when I become more frequent her, I can interact with them on their posts. I can’t tell when that’ll be, but I’m sure it’ll be when my exams are over.

Lastly, I played C.O.D.M. A lot. It’s actually addictive once you start playing it, which is what everyone who introduced me to the game told me, even though I disputed that fact.


It’s the same old story. Nothing special, just the cycle that is the life of an average college student. I can’t wait for the finals for this academic year to be over, my sleep cycle and body clock are in shambles, and even though I don’t like to say this – seeing as I’m A-OK and a fighter – my mental health is hanging by a thread.

Then again, it’s college. These things are bound to happen.


A day to the second exam out of the six I’m supposed to write this semester. For some, it’s final revisions, for me, it’s time to blitz read everything I’ve not read, kick myself for procrastinating till I came to this point.

This is the time YouTube Videos do come in handy, and even though I’m not all caught up by the end of the day, or the night reading, I’m good.


The exams which were scheduled for 9 AM were shifted to 2 PM. I hate my faculty sometimes, and right now is one of those times. I didn’t eat at all before coming out, and I don’t have any money on me.

The crazy situation, this is. Just crazy.

Did I manage to read any within that five-hour period of grace? Nope. I’m just that irresponsible sometimes, and it really annoys me. I spent the time having fun discussing with my friends, nothing much in particular about from the usual you expect a couple of male young adults to talk about.


The exam was eventually – just okay. I’m not expecting a whole A grade or distinction, but I did fairly well. I’d say average. Average cuts it.

It was over in less than an hour, and the meeting commenced immediately. Now the meeting? That WAS what I’d been waiting for all this while. And it did not disappoint. From my class representative’s receipt and proof-filled account of the events – interjected by a few biting comments and shades thrown at the other party, to the treasurer’s insults which were, to say the least, colorful, the class stayed entertained…

…till the meeting ended in disarray and a lot of noise. A lot of people were just angry about the situation.

The whole thing went down for real in the class Telegram group chat. That there was the highlight, as everybody who was either too cowardly or fake to say these things in the meeting came on to the group to bare their minds, and a lot of the shades were directed at the class representative. I did manage to defend him a little.

I didn’t go for my night reading. A migraine knocked me out the moment I touched the bed, and the cold weather kept me snuggled into the covers till the next morning.


The discussion did not end yesterday. It boiled over today in fact, and I was even involved in a heated exchange. This is why I hate politics, I don’t like such confrontation.

Everything ended in-jokes anyway, and all transgressions were forgiven.


There was an election today. I did not attend, because the rain fell again. People will say I’m apathetic, but I’m not going to risk my health and clothes to go and vote, sorry.

Besides, I’m not rooting for any of the candidates, since I don’t know them and I have serious doubts about their competency for the position – or whether it’s just political ambition.

I guess I’ll just continue to observe.

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Avatar for BladeInk
2 years ago
Topics: Student, Memory, Reflection, July, Believe, ...
