What is Bitcoin Cash ?! Göre

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3 years ago

Bitcoin Cash is a digital currency called a cryptocurrency based on cryptographically securely distributed decentralized records of transactions called a Blockchain, just like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. As mentioned earlier, it was created by the Hard Fork that took place after disagreements in the Bitcoin community.

Because the blockchain of Bitcoins was copied exactly, all owners of Bitcoin were given an amount of Bitcoin Cash equal to the amount of Bitcoin in their wallet.

The debate that started before the Bitcoin Hard Fork was extended after the Hard Fork. The most striking of these discussions is that some people in the community claim that Bitcoin Cash more accurately reflects the original Bitcoin principles. These people accept Bitcoin Cash as "real Bitcoin". The debate between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin advocates still continues on platforms such as Twitter and Reddit.

The original Bitcoin Twitter account was taken over by Roger Ver, one of the first members of the Bitcoin community to support Bitcoin Cash. Ver continues to regularly impose the thesis that Bitcoin Cash is real Bitcoin from his Twitter account.

What Is The Technology Behind Bitcoin Cash?

Bitcoin Cash is built on the Blockchain-based distributed ledger technology mentioned above. As with other cryptocurrencies, coins don't actually exist. There is only a record of transactions showing how much money is.

Computers that use Bitcoin Cash software to store, add and approve transaction records on the network are called "nodes", and without them, Bitcoin Cash cannot exist.

Because transactions take place on the network, these nodes refer to the transactions as "blocks" that are then added to the blockchain. Bitcoin Cash adds a new block to the Blockchain every 10 minutes, just like Bitcoin.

It is impossible to hack or change access to the blockchain in any way. Because each block is encrypted and verified in a way that prevents the data from being changed as long as the majority of the nodes in the network are not compromised. This is different from traditional banking systems where it is possible to rob only one person by hacking their accounts alone.

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3 years ago
