That Photolab Thing is AI

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Written by
11 months ago

Perhaps your FB feed is filled with beautiful photos of your friends posting their pictures as if their physical face are perfectly made by a god. You have tried it too do you, the Photolab thing?

This kind of app circulating on social media is no longer new and already existed years ago. They have made it viral again because this thing is obviously integrated with AI which can remove almost zero percent of your physical flaws in the photo.

Hello again dear readers, I have been very busy consuming my time with online games these days that is why I am not writing. It’s 6AM here in PH as of this writing and I just feel I wanted to write. The reason I have felt lazy enough making blogs was because of this AI writer, Chat GPT to be more specific. I have been using this app for a couple of months now but I have not use any of AI generated article and post it here or any other blogging platforms. But with my website I do, unfortunately it no longer exist because I haven’t renewed it. Other than that, I am using Grammarly to fix my English grammar (which is an AI too). Even though I finished college, my English is still not good as those who are using English as their primary language.

So this post is about AI (Artificial Intelligence) again in general. Going back to the Photolab app, which honestly I have not tried yet, I have already been using AI to enhance my old photos and restore crumpled vintage photos of my mother and grandmother. You can easily do that with But then again some developers have made their photo editing app to the highest level by using AI and the result is pretty much satisfying. Just like AI article writer, it will give you very detailed information of the topic you wanted to write, almost perfect as if written by a human being.

But looking down to the other side, the AI is very dangerous. I remember Elon Musk said in an interview, “AI is more terrifying than nukes”. Musk is pretty much serious when he said it, because you can see it in his eyes. AI is very powerful that we don’t just realize its potential danger to humanity. Film makers are making movies about AI but we must know that these movies are not just to entertain us. It reminds us of how dangerous AI is. What if the AI would really have consciousness? Can we think of how to control it? Of course not and we will just leave those things to the once who build it. Why would we bother when we can enjoy the freedom of using AI.

The future is now. Technology is always moving forward and innovating. There are people who are already taking advantage of AI. Perhaps other country has already built an AI army to prepare for war. We never know. There are a lot of good possibilities that AI can bring to people especially in the medical field but still can be dangerous if AI fall into the wrong hands.

Thanks for reading.

The image above is a vintage photo of my grandma, my mother and her siblings. I restored it with AI.

 Lead image is AI generated with Leonardo

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Written by
11 months ago


I haven't tried using that Photolab thing, but I enjoyed seeing my friends' entries lol. I try my best to not use AI whenever I do stuff because I might be dependent on it even on simple tasks. However, for other stuff, I use it. For example, in improving quality of low quality pics, I use AI. I remember also writing something about AI a few months back.. It really makes life easier, but I admit it kinda scares me. Give it a few more years, and AI would have taken lots of jobs that previously humans do.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Awesome! I completely restore it.

I would like to make my memories images with AI. Because even my drawing level is not good enough. And they are precious memories for me.

And it's good to see you here, I'm very glad. How is your blog going?

$ 0.00
11 months ago

The good thing about AI when it comes to art is that you can make it realistic.

Thanks. Been busy with online gaming that is why I kind of disregarded blogging but at least once in a while I write.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Nice to see you here again. AI, is a double-edged sword. It can be useful... and yeah... just as Musk said... it can be more dangerous than nuke. Especially those AI that are capable of learning... they can go rouge anytime.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Thanks bro. We can easily foretell of what AI would bring in the future. Let's just hope for the better.

$ 0.00
11 months ago