Somedays we tend to feel insecure bout ourselves . It could be over any thing even if it is a minor thing like not being able to wake up early , not so good at Sports , lazy , you think you're not good enough or it could be your health which hasn't been so good lately . These opinions you keep about your self tend to make you loose focus over your life and they begin controlling you . You start feeling little like you are nothing . Well here are 5 ways how you can turn your situation from being miserable and insecure to someone who love's themself and has faith in him / herself .
1. Own your decisions:
In life we make good and bad decisions and some might not result so well . The key is acceptance .You must own your decision and Never regret it . It happened you made a mistake maybe but learn from the failures this is not the ending . Experience makes you perfect.
2. Respect yourself :
We show respect and genuine affection to other people and cheer them up with our words but when it comes to our own self we tend to get harsh and we start blaming ourselves for not being Smart or good enough .We should treat ourselves the way we treat our loved ones respect your own self .
3. Give yourself nother Chance:
We forgive people who betrayed us , cheated us but when it comes to our own self we tend to even remember how in 1st grade you had embarassed yourself . we need to forgive our past selves for being clumsy and stupid. Instead we should make sure to never make same mistakes again and learn from what we did wrong and move forward.
4. Appreciate your self:
We may reward someone for giving their best but when it comes to self appreciation we start being all nosy like it isn't a big deal if i did this . A person needs to Appreciate Them selves to Progress in life .It can be little things like yay i made my bed , i studied , i painted this vase. Anything at all you just need to pat your own back and treat yourself good.
5. Count the little good things:
You cannot achieve everything at once and often to reach our goal we start thinking that we should progress faster . Everything takes time take baby steps toward your goal and keep your milestones small and with every small achievement you get address it and feel proud of yourselve encourage yourself. This way no one can stop you from getting what you want once you master all 5 of the key points you will notice how the positivity has chaned your way of thinking and your lifestyle . You know there is no one stopping you from getting ahead then yourself .
Keep it strong and learning, listen to your body, hopefully soon this will be just a memory 🥰🥰🥰