Anime Genre and Release date
Horimiya (Hori san to miyamura kun) is a Slice of life anime consisting of 13 episodes.
Anime Plot
The Anime starts with our main character Kyoko Hori who is a girl with both brains and looks talking to her friends when her phone fells down and Izumi Miyamura the shy geek gloomy guy picking it up for her . This scene also refers to Hori being social yet always in hurry to go home and do chores , meanwhile Miyamura is always alone and has no friends But oneday they both meet when Miyamura saves Hori's little brother .
The Story
They both become friends and share that they have a hidden self that they don't want the world to know about like miyamura having piercings and tattoos and Hori being in love with anime songs and anti social. They both realize their love for each other and Miyamura becomes friends with her friends too. All of them make great highschool memories and graduate while promising to be friends always. While Miyamura and Hori promise to get married and live together happily .
Overall i would say this anime is sweet , Romantic and quite funny too . Its a mustwatch for people who love short series i rate it 7/10 .
Omg this is one of my favorite anime💓 I wish I have a love life like this so When I read this I remember the whole story again😻