H - appy
O - rdinary
M - agnanimous
E - veryone
Our home is the one place that we cherished the most. We may have different homes but the feeling of being inside our homes is extraordinary and priceless.
You go to school from Monday to
Friday while your parents go to work
for six days, sometimes even for a
straight week, to render overtime. You
go to the mall, frolic in the beach, or
spend time watching movies in theater
during weekends or holiday breaks. But
no matter where you go and what you
do in all the places you visit and stay in
temporarily, at the end of the day, you
come back to one place where you cann
afford to be yourself; a place where you
are comfortable, safe, and secured-
your home.
Our homes, no matter how big or
Small, provide the family with shelter
and comfort. "Our home is where the
heart is," the popular saying says, which
means that our home is very dear to our
hearts. Home is where charity begins and the right place where family develops and nurtures love among its members. People live in different homes.Some homes are simple while others are small. Others are big and luxurious which are worth millions of pesos. We call them in various names: nipa hut or bahay kubo, bungalow, duplex,
apartment, condominium, boarding
house, townhouse, resthouse, and flexihomes. They may be different from one
another but all of them are worthy to
be called homes.
Can you imagine how hard it was
for the primitive men and our ancestors
not to have permanent homes to stay
and live in? Can your family afford to
transfer from one place to another to
search for a better place to settle in?
Houses are built to shelter the
people and protect them against heat,
wind, and rain. This is the reason
considered by the government in
bringing residents affected by natural
disasters to relocation sites and
temporary shelters. They wanted to
sateguard the people against the adverse
effects of bad weather conditions and
other natural calamities. Your home makes you safe and secured from violence or any untoward eventuàlities that might harm you, which frequently happen in your
The concrete walls of the
house cannot be easily damaged by rocks
or solid materials that might be thrown
at it. Homes give fulfillment to the
dreams of our parents. They work so
hard so they can avail of their housing
loans or earn enough money to build
their dream house. Owning a house
gives them enthusiasm to perform
better at work, and establish a happy life
together with the family.
Home is not only made by rod,cement but also made a home by family members and there unity. I love my home so much. It is very beautiful.