Choose a man Carefully

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3 years ago

Choose a man carefully , one that knows things

And what he doesn’t know , he will set out to learn

Because he is curious like that

A man like that will want to learn you.

Choose a man who isn’t intimidated by technology

But still has a fondness for manners and chivalry

Because it just feels right like well worn leather.

A self reliant man who is good with his hands

Even better with his temper and always has a sense of humor.

You didn’t find man like that every day , but they exist , choose wisely .

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Seldom nowadays you will find a man described above. Usually men of today were fond of technology even in courting women use their gadgets, gone are the days of formal courting in homes, being interviewed by parents and being accepted by women formally. In choosing the right man is difficult, it is like looking a needle in the middle of the crowd. But there is no impossible under the heat of prayer. Prayer is the best answer, your greatest help, for God will answer those who fervently pray.

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3 years ago

Yes, I agree with you. You have to pray to Allah. Allah accepts all prayers. He is the Most Merciful.

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3 years ago