A visit to zoo!

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2 years ago

When we're vacation was started of the summer and my all friend of school feels booring in their homes and no work have to do and I have idea to going to zoo for enjoyment and mind refreshing so my all friend immediately agree with my idea .so we all going to zoo In the journey we all muches happy and exited to watch the zoo .

At the Zoo!

Soon we reached there bought the tickets and entered to the zoo. It was visiting green area. Many cage likes cabin were bullt in various parts of the zoo. Then they took us to different section of the zoo. First of all we saw many beautiful looking birds. The birds with radiant colourful feather looked elagent. The outstanding beauty of the peacocks was displaying it's feathers. Another was dancing in ecstasy. The feather of the peacocks looked glowing like the colourful of rainbows.

Then we went to the section of animals. There were all different kinds of animals. But the lions tiger and deer and elephant with huge body looked like a mound. But the most amazing of all animals were the monkeys. We enjoyed tricked with them. They were playing and dancing in there cages to amuse the another propels and all was enjoying to watching monkeys. They were saw crocodile and snacked.

We spent a lot of time there enjoyed ourselves much. Then we went to the canteen and drinks cool drinks. After taking some rest we left the zoo and returned to home with smile ☺.

This journey was of one day but it's all remembered of me with my friend of school and this memories is always golden for me.

Thanks for reading.


Own thoughts of me.

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Photos :

From unsplash .

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @Sweetiepie
Avatar for Bitcoinlover
2 years ago


Wow this is great, i really love to visit zoo too and those peacocks makes me wow always

$ 0.01
2 years ago