Elon Musk Understands Our Technological Achievements and Moore's Law

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3 years ago

On May 15th 2021, Elon Musk tweeted, "Ideally, Doge speeds up block time 10X, increases block size 10X & drops fee 100X. Then it wins hands down."

Regarding this tweet Musk seems to be in favor of dramatically increasing the amount of data stored on the base layer per time, but we have to ask ourselves, what qualifications does he have for making such a claim, especially since he is somewhat new to the crypto space.

Elon Musk has been a technological pioneer for some time now, having founded SpaceX and co-founded Paypal. He is also the current sitting CEO at both Tesla and SpaceX where he occupies his time by trying to solve tough technological and engineering problems. He certainly has an engineering mind and tends to think in a logical rational way when considering a problem.

As CEO of Tesla, Musk pushes to advance battery storage as well as green energy generation via solar panels and seeks to eventually have all the Tesla charging stations fueled by solar energy. His company SpaceX has made large strides in making the launch process more energy efficient by reusing rocket boosters, which proved to be a significant challenge. SpaceX is the only institution that has yet been able to successful reuse a rocket booster. The company also uses their rockets to proliferate the Star Link network by sending Star Link nodes to space which will eventually provide humanity with a satellite internet option from anywhere in the world. This would help the citizens of third world countries with harsh internet censorship, such as China, to be able to use the internet so long as they can get their hands on a compatible smart phone, which should be an easy task given the manufacturing that already exists in China.

Musk seems to be a man on the cutting edge of technological innovation in various fields, so its safe to trust, at least some, of his instinct regarding these things. For him to conclude that base layer scaling is not only necessary, but possible, leads me to believe that this is something we should take seriously. Members in the bitcoin cash community already understand that scaling the base layer is necessary and possible, but for the wider range of humanity who only dabble in crypto and is exposed to all of the bitcoin core propaganda, its nice to have someone like Musk on our side spreading the good news.

Its true that he focuses on Doge Coin more than the other projects but his rationale is the same. He understands the need for scaling and this is precisely what bitcoin cash currently offers the world. With the help of Kim Dotcom, we can only hope that Musk comes around to join BCH since the groundwork has already been laid.

$ 5.38
$ 5.00 from @powellquesne
$ 0.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Many people give him too much credit in my opinion and I would think that being rich doesn't make you smart nor know everything by default, that being said I do think that rich people have an ego and as such that same ego is what makes them make mistakes and at times even to take a big hit on your own companies. Musk pumping a meme coin just tells me either he knows a lot and knows just the basics. In the end, only that which works will survive. And just because he is rich doesn't mean I will defend him either, on the contrary, I will attack him, even more, when he gets to mislead others.

He knows Bitcoin BCH exists and he knows that works better than Core but he will not pump BCH because he knows we will not allow him to manipulate the BCH blockchain to his ideas. I am pretty sure Doge chain will adopt whatever he says just to keep him pumping the coin.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good instincts on finding common ground here. You have been tipped / liked / subscribed / bookthinged, whatever I could 'up' you, I upped you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago