We are looking for freelance media developers!
Professionals with experience in graphic design and video editing / creation , capable of developing media that present Bitcoin Cash in an attractive way through images, videos and more ...
They must be bilingual (English and Spanish).
This work will be performed at: BitcoinCash.site, which is a Bitcoin Cash marketing and incorporation center serving the goal of incorporating 1 million new people to Bitcoin Cash by December 31, 2021.
BitcoinCash.site will serve as a convenient and representative interface for new builders, companies, investors, journalists, content creators, headlines, and others to integrate into the structure and culture of Bitcoin Cash.
Our specific objective is to create new emotions, that is why we are looking for different freelancers for the project.
José Ignacio Araujo - Project Manager, BitcoinCash.Site
Email: jose.araujo@panmoni.com
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/584125510230
Twitter: @JoseIgAraujo
Telegram: https://t.me/Joseigaraujo
Caracas - Venezuela