How To Own An NFT On SmartBCH

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2 years ago

You want to own an NFT on SmartBCH But Don't Know How? Read This..

NFT's Here and NFT's There, If you haven't heard of or seen an nft then I guess you must be from the medieval , Just kidding though.

NFTs and The Metaverse have been a trending topic in the new age crypto sphere, with thousands of top notch artists and companies rushing in with super collections. Of What Use are these non fungible tokens? Before we could get an answer to this, What is an NFT? and What Is SmartBCH?

What Is An NFT?

In a simple term, an NFT is an abbreviation which means Non-Fungible Tokens.

I'll use this scenario to make this clearer;

Mr. A owns a piece of Bitcoin and trades it for another, Ow! he just traded Bitcoin For Bitcoin and that makes it fungible but if he had a non-fungible token, For instance a gift card, or a discount card, a ticket, he could trade it for a toy, a discounted meal or an access to a homecoming party respectively. Now, after trading them, Mr A discovers he got something different.

Wikipedia would rather define it this way, A non-fungible token is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger, that can be sold and traded. Types of NFT data units may be associated with digital files such as photos, videos, and audio.

Use Cases Of NFTs

NFT use cases are still in their infancy, but it is clear that not only gamers will benefit from this, but also regular people who are going about their daily lives. Not only will this provide ease of use for many services, but it will also increase transparency on many transactions, especially when it comes to ownership of physical properties such as artworks, real estate, a concept or idea, and the like.

What Is SmartBCH?

In my previous article, I made an easy definition to what SmartBCH is but, here's brief; SmartBCH is a sidechain nicknamed Sep-20 for Bitcoin Cash and has an aim to explore new ideas and unlock novel possibilities.

How To Own An NFT On SmartBCH

It's easier and cheaper to own an nft on the smartbch chain than any other blockchain in the crypto sphere but, as a newbie in order to make transactions on the chain, you need a EVM compatible wallet such as Metamask.

Download and Install A Metamask Wallet

The essence of the wallet is to enable you integrate the smartbch network in which all transactions will be made and recorded.

Proceed To Adding The SmartBCH Network

The video below will guide you through that process;

There are several ways to own an NFT on smartBCH and otherwise, you can either buy it, earn it ,or mint your own.

How To Buy is the largest decentralized NFT marketplace in smartbch for now, majority of NFTs on the ecosystem are hosted there for auction or fixed sales. A quick comparison of what oasis is all about is which is the largest decentralized nft marketplace on the ethereum blockchain.

Note: To get the best user experience, a smartphone or laptop is recommended.

Visit Oasis's homepage and allow access to your metamask wallet, explore the different collections on the marketplace and make a choice based on your budget, make payment and ownership of the non-fungible token will be transferred to you. is a multichain marketplace that supports smartbch nft collection and minting. You can also buy from their various collections.

How To Earn

Engaging in giveaways and claiming faucets could earn you an nft for free. Recently the Anonymous NFT offered five persons a chance to earn an art from the collection for free. Join the Oasis Telegram group and SmartBCH tokens and nfts channel to catch an opportunity.

Are you an Artist looking forward to launching and owning a collection of NFT on the smartBCH chain? Perhaps an entrepreneur who’s heard about the NFT craze, and who wants to join the industry? Whatever the case might be, then you are very much welcome.


Participating on decentralized financing requires more self researches here, the term DYOR comes in. Good Luck.

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2 years ago


I just want to ask if I'm gonna buy a NFT on metamask with the network of SmartBCH how should I suppose to pay the NFT I bought? Should I add some BCH on my metamask wallet in order to use it as a payment to NFTs I bought?Sorry too many questions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you'll need to add bch to your metamask wallet. But, first you'll need to swap from the normal BCH to SmartBCH before depositing on your metamask wallet. This article will help;

$ 0.00
2 years ago