What Is Do 2 Earn & Does Doing Make Me SOL on BULB

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1 month ago

Guys and Girls I know I have not been here a lot but this is a good one.

Especially if you are still posting on Read.Cash. Because you can earn extra by posting the same posts on BULB.

What´s D2E?

For a couple of weeks, I have been doing to earn (d2e) on  Bulb. Doing is not playing, like I do in Gods Unchained, it´s not earning from only reading and writing as I do Publish0X, and it´s not a crazy on-chain mayhem like HIVE is.

It´s writing, reading, and completing tasks.

The more and the more frequently you complete those tasks the more tokens you take home. You don´t have to write, although writing makes you mo money.

But is it worth even looking at  Bulb?

This time is different

This Time Is Different, is what I wrote three months ago. Then I thought, no not this time. Let me wait till I know more especially about the token because in the end money makes the world go round.

The fact that the UI is nice, the tasks are doable, and there is some interesting content does not matter if the tokens you make can not be monetized.

The BULB Token

Back then I could not find anything on The BULB Token other than it being an SPL (Solana Program Library) token and it being issued on the Solana blockchain. No liquidity pool, or way to swap my tokens. Just this FAQ and a Whitepaper

Till this week when I read that there would be a Liquidity Pool available. A way to swap my tokens, with low SOL fees, now we are talking, but the proof is in the dollars.

How Much Did I Make?

That seemed like great news because I had 20K tokens, it just meant I had to move some SOL to my Fantom wallet to pay for the fee. Which was close to nothing, so I did.

I had no idea what my months of work would bring me money-wise.

Unfortunately, it was not all good news this week. Especially if you did not join because with the Liquidity pool there came Pay2Earn.

If you would have followed me on Torum or Publish0X you could have joined and made those 2500 Tokens in no time. I calculated that you make about 1000 BULB a week.

I created 21 posts, and probably did the tasks for 12 weeks, making me 20K tokens so you would have needed 2 weeks and posts to pay those fees, but not anymore.

You can still do the other tasks or challenges as they are called, but the writing and the commenting now require an investment. 2.5K BULB is not a big deal it´s less than $2, but it might be just too much of a threshold for some to join, on the other hand.... that might increase the quality.

The Challenges

Those tokens earned per challenge seem pretty low, but every week you complete the challenge you add the initial value. Hence the 5X started 5 weeks ago at 30 tokens. Now quick math tells me that it will take 8 weeks to complete the challenges if you don´t want to pay for Challenges one and two.

So you have the option to buy 2500 tokens for $2 to start earning or spend two months to do your challenges and earn 2500 tokens before you start earning. Making 500-1000 tokens weekly, it would probably take 3 weeks to have a return on your investment. I get the idea behind it, but I really doubt if this will work drawing new people, and therefore money to the platform or if it´s just to stop the leeches.

Show me the Money

Now how much were my 20K Bulb tokens worth?

I made about a dollar per post, as I wrote 20 posts, but published one twice by accident.

And I started 4 months ago:

It makes me a little more than a post on Publish0x and a little less than an average post on HIVE.

That Poo will not do

A dollar per post is not bad, but is badly paid if your posts like mine take over an hour to create. Unless you are a content creator already and you only need to refurbish your posts a bit.

In that case, it is a nice little extra and you never know what a token like this will do when the bulls start bulling.

Hence if you are writing on another platform you might want to check out BULB.

Especially now you can really swap the coins for SOL, I did not check another option. But in your Phantom wallet, you can swap your SOL for ...a lot.

I swapped 8K for $8 worth of Solana, I used 2K to activate my writing..... again.... and I will use the 10K for staking.

Why Staking?

Because I like to gamble a bit, Bulb has been around for since 2022, but on the other hand.... the Liquidity might dry up soon. So I will just put those $10 back in and see what will become of it.

That way I do a bit of a 50/50 thing.

Or at least that was the plan, but my stake did not go through. So it might not have been meant to be and I will keep them with me for a bit.


It´s not the first time a transaction has failed on BULB. My initial 20K claim failed, and as I was unable to find a contact address I thought I was F´ed.

Till I looked a bit beyond, went to their Discord, went to the ask a question section, asked how to raise a ticket, put the transaction in the ticket, waited 36 hours, and had my tokens returned.

When I claimed them again I finally got them in my Phantom wallet. So it is a bit buggy, but then again this whole claiming circus has just gotten started.

The takeaway for me is that there is support, there is a way to monetize, and there is a community. A Community.....

The Community

As you know I am not the biggest people person, and I do prefer quality posts. That is probably why I only follow 8 people on Bulb so far.

There are a couple of good writers on there, most I know already from other platforms. But the rest, Chat GPT posts, Low-Quality Airdrop Shizzels, and other awful formatted rip-offs.

Finding good reads is probably the hardest part, but there are some gems out there.

If you are into airdrops....you have to join as there is an abundance of useful airdrop posts.

Bikini Bottom Line

Overall the money made is better than most platforms where I have only written for 4 months and 21 posts.The platform's UI is okay, the challenges not too bad, and until the liquidity pool dries up you can monetize your tokens.

The negative, some bugs, and a lot of low-quality posts and peeps just leeching around for the tokens. But maybe, just maybe those leeches will not pay 2000 tokens ($2) to activate the writing feature.

The biggest risk I see is the liquidity, so just make sure to swap your tokens frequently.... maybe that is why staking failed. In addition, I have my doubts about the impact of the 2.5K fees you need to pay before you start earning.

EDIT: I was able to stake the next day.

I shared the link for weeks so if you tried it and forgot about it go and claim your BULB tokens, or use them to pay the fees and keep writing and Doing 2 Earn.

Especially if you are writing about crypto,  Bulb might be a nice second home for your posts. Just refurbish your Publish posts and share again, it´s not making us rich but it´s making us crypto.

If you did not use my link, if you have to start from scratch, that is a tough one.

If you create more than one article per week and have $2 to spare I would BULB.

If you write less than an article a week, it might be too much of a hassle. Although you can get that money back in 2 -3 weeks and then earn $2 a week just refurbishing your content already created. And it lacks BCH Positive content!

If you like hustling free crypto you can always spend 8 weeks on the challenges, and if you like to take a $2 risk and make almost free crypto off the back of it it´s up to you to BULB or not 2 BULB.

FYI, there is no such thing as free crypto you always pay with your time, your data, or the risk to your investment! 


Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

$ 0.00
Avatar for BitcoinBaby
1 month ago


I'll check it out

$ 0.00
1 week ago