Different photos representing important moments in my life

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3 years ago

Whenever I can share with my loved ones I do it, it is clear to me that life is too short not to do it, I cannot leave my family in the background, so well, there always comes an invitation to share and there I am with them. The good thing about being able to enjoy with people who are very dear to you is that the moment becomes very pleasant, in all sincerity I can define my life in unique and incomparable moments.

I don't know how there are people who don't appreciate something as natural as sharing at least an hour with the people they "love" the most, I do it in inverted commas, because it seems absurd to me that if they really love someone they don't spend time with them, it's not about material things, it's not about giving money and knowing if they are well and that's it. I really don't understand that kind of person. When you really love someone, you have to show it and there is nothing better than giving them something that you can't get anywhere else, something that has all the value in the world, because the time you spend on something or someone you never get back.

This photo has something special, my compadre invited us to dinner and nothing better than preparing some hamburgers as a family, I must thank @AlejandroJec22, an excellent person really cok a giant heart. My compadre since before my daughter was born has always been there, my husband loves him very much perhaps because he is someone very noble. Friendships are also family, today I can say that this man, although he does not carry my blood, he has always been there for my family and every day he shows his affection for us.

Through life we always meet many people, some will be remembered for life, others not so much. I have always said that most people are only fleeting and those who really remain are the ones who want to be part of your life. Each path comes together and becomes one. Friends eventually become brothers and sisters. Even children... in some cases. The truth of it all is that the bond formed by friendship develops and ends up being much stronger than anything else.

If you are wondering who the people in the photo are. Well there is my husband in the corner, Alejandro in the other corner, my niece, my daughter and I. Haha, we are who we are and we are who we are. (My niece slipped in on this day, because she visited me).

To be able to enjoy with this woman fills me with great joy. Mariu is an excellent woman that I got to know through my husband. She is a cousin, a woman I admire, perhaps because of the way she is. She has an unparalleled quality of person with a talent for winning people's hearts like no one else. Besides being my role model, she represents the essence of being a mother and a father at the same time, which is not at all easy for her, although she doesn't care about that.

There is something special about being able to photograph this moment, because Maria is going through a very sad time, she has just lost her mother, I really admire her, because I would not be as strong as she is, she has a lot of strength.

Also this day holds something unique, I was able to meet her granddaughter just like her, her daughter who was in another country travelled to be able to share with her. What more could this mother ask for.

If I owe so much experience to anyone, it is to this gentleman, I didn't know I was going to meet such a wonderful man, especially someone I can trust. Besides, I can always count on him for anything I need. My great prince charming, he spent a few days at the farm, he had to work hard, the work of the llanero is very difficult, he works very hard, under very high temperatures.

Here, as you can see, while doing a routine inspection of the paddocks, they noticed a newborn calf lying in the grass in the distance. They tried to pick it up and couldn't, so they opted to bring it into the house, this happens very often, the mother goes out to eat and leaves the calf hidden. Then when they come back to look for it they don't get exactly where they expected.

It will be up to Mrs. Josefina to take care of it and give it warm milk so that it can be fed. On the plain you see many things. The truth is that there is always work to be done, especially with the cattle.

A silver day. To pass the time and change the course of life, nothing better than to head for the beaches and take a yacht ride. I am a woman who loves photos. Maybe I can say, my favourite hobby is being a photographer. Without a doubt I like it, I managed to take this photo with the help of a friend called @Angeli, this session was very good, I enjoyed it a lot, I remember that I didn't know if I should take the photos, I had some insecurity, which later was solved, capturing the moment in which I am enjoying the sea, my pregnancy, helped me a lot to relax and enjoy the day.

Although I love the photos as much as I love the sea, due to work I can't come here much, I consider it an achievement to escape from the routine, it wasn't easy but I know I knew how to do it. I have many memories of this day, some guys who were on another yacht wanted to get on ours, one of them tried and ended up in the water. Don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything to him, he just fell off trying to cross to the other boat. Another moment worth remembering was, when we were leaving the beach, a heavy rain started with very strong winds which did not allow us to leave immediately and we had to wait almost 2 hours to be able to leave. When you are pregnant it takes forever to go through something like that, I just wanted to get home.

I had never experienced a boat competition, this photo was taken in Apure, one of the most visited Venezuelan states, it is completely llanero, the natives there are completely llaneros and their way of living is quite different from those of the city. That was one of the things I could notice, going there helped me to understand that there are also other cultures completely different, on the other hand, I met many beautiful places as landscapes that you can only appreciate and enjoy the moment. I also have an anecdote about the place where we stayed. A lot of unexplainable things happened there, although nobody paid any attention to the strange happenings. One of the several nights we spent there, I observed a man going in and out of the room, the strange thing is that I didn't recognise him. After asking to find out who he was, I got no answer. So I asked again and they answered that he was just a man who died there looking for his lost daughter.

After a long night like that I just wanted to leave, so we decided to go and leave the boat competitors behind. Truly, you just have to live to know.

Just like each of the above mentioned moments I have experienced many more that I would like to bring to you soon. Take care of yourselves, protect yourselves and enjoy your loved ones. Even if it doesn't seem like it, just a hug can change your life.

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3 years ago
