Writing is so Powerful

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3 years ago
Topics: Writing

People have been writing for a long time that anyone remembers. Some of the oldest artificial objects that are still preserved today are, in fact, ancient writings from thousands of years ago.

Even cave dwellers used sticks to draw marks on the ground and stones to mark trees. As primitive as it may seem, these tags were used to communicate the different types of messages. Including territory and property.

The tablets on which the Ten Commandments of God were written are among the most popular biblical articles of the Christian faith. Remember King Belshazzar and the story of the handwriting on the wall?

I'm sure you'll get what I'm trying to say now: written material is powerful and can last for tens, hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years.

Many of us may not understand the real reasons for the power of written material and why it is so important. Don’t worry, I’ll break it down in relation to this article, so stay with me.

Why is writing so powerful?

Below I will list some of the reasons why writing is such a powerful tool. Some of them may surprise you.

Lets begin!!!

1) Writing can help get customers for your business

Do you know that simple but well-crafted write-ups can convince people to do business with you?

Businesses, large and small, hire writers to execute various types of writing projects. This includes; writing good blog posts, writing a business profile, writing a business proposal and many more.

People, even great first-class graduates, hire writers to write their resumes. They understand that the more written it is, the more likely they are to convince their potential employers that they are suitable for the job.

This is the compelling importance of writing.

2) Writing can be fun

What would life be like without any entertainment? Boring!

Whether it’s a true story or a fiction, as long as it’s well written and can exploit fantasies, it would entertain the consumer.

I only mentioned the classic novel “Alice in wonderland,” but there are many more. These include " Romeo and Juliet," and "New Clothes the Emperor's New Clothes." Etc.

Even the movies you watch had to be scripted first.

This is the value of entertainment that writing can give you.

3) Writing can make someone hate or love you

Sometime ago i sent a message to a close friend and her response was, "I love you." Months later, I sent a message to the same person, under different circumstances, and her response was very hostile.

Writing can warm a person's heart or make them cold.

Human emotions are very easy to use and texts can penetrate very well. Why do you think romantic novels like "Romeo and Juliet" are widely read?

This is the emotional importance of writing.

4) Writing can help explain events

Many ancient texts have been found in modern times, and these texts contain information about specific events that none of us would have known if they had not been documented.

Some ancient languages ​​still spoken and written today include Hebrew, Egyptian, and Lithuanian. These languages ​​are between 2,000 and 5,000 years old and there are many stories written in these languages ​​about historical facts that can be found in the current text.

There were no audio or video recorders at the time, and of course no 5,000-year-old man or woman is alive to tell the story. Some stories can only be told through writing.

This is the educational importance of writing.


Now you've got it, the main reasons why writing is important and powerful. I trust this article has been informative.

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Avatar for Biltz
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writing
