Healthy Family Can Still Exist

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2 years ago

Family life has changed in the current generation.

“When I was young,” said one elderly man, “our family always ate together and enjoyed talking while they ate. We tried to rest with the family, go for a walk and go fishing. And we worked together to do things at home.

Is this how things are in our current generation? In some homes, hardly any family members speak today.They can also eat at different times or in separate rooms.Today, men are more likely to work in factories and offices than at home. In many cases, it is society, not families, that takes care of the sick, educates children, prepares much of the food that people eat, and even provides entertainment. In addition, today's focus on personal satisfaction draws many away from family life in pursuit of individual goals or careers.

Is a healthy family life an important goal for you? How can you do this? Let's take a look at some basic stuffs each family member can do.

The father: more than support

People who study human behavior repeatedly emphasize the importance of the father's role in family life.More and more studies are confirming that young orphans lack direction.

Are you a husband and father? You really have a deep love for your family. They can even "burn out", so to speak, when you struggle to provide them with food, shelter, clothing, and other amenities. But if you are connected to your family because of this, you can make a big mistake. Why? Imagine a letter a thirteen-year-old boy wrote to a newspaper:

“Sometimes I wish [my father] would scold me for knowing he cared. If I want to go somewhere or do something, I have to ask mom. He says his job is to raise the money. I would like a father who would sit and talk to a man who would have time to join the forest or just go for a walk. My dad does not cause any problems, even if my grades go down. He always says, "Let your mother investigate this!"

The role of a mother

The role of the mother is also particularly important. In addition to doing a lot of housework, the mother usually stays with her children most of the day. While she shows tenderness when it comes to caring for the little ones and encouraging them to treat themselves well,children are unlikely to want to escape such a loving home environment to live alone.

A good woman maintains a calm and relaxed home where love and trust flourish. She knows that the emotional and psychological aspects of married life are important for the well-being of her husband and children.She saves as much as possible by not making too many social commitments. She helps her husband to plan and enjoy his free time.She is an understanding listener when discussing her issues.

Young people[children] can also play their part, including working with parents when asked to do something.Every member should not seek his own benefit, but that of the other.

Do things together

To make life at home more fun, family members need to do things together. But what can family members do together in a big city where industry has taken over most of the family functions? Think of some things a New York dad with two young children thought he would achieve:

“My wife and I have been teaching children to do things at home since we were very young. I have noticed that young people are ready to do odd jobs like cleaning a bathroom when they see us doing similar things.

“When the kids were old enough to understand, I took them to the toolbox. I explained each tool, what it does and how to use it. Now they like to clean. "

However, work is not all that is necessary for a healthy family life.Everyone needs a little relaxation.It is helpful to seek relaxation together as much as possible.There are many kinds of things that can be enjoyed for free or at minimal cost such as going for botanical garden or the park to play soccer,browse bookstores, go to museums or free shows.

Take the opportunity to do things with your family

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2 years ago
