A love story you would all love

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4 years ago

He was anointed as his partner in Tony Standish's shooting lauchings in Aushenleven, where he arrived in mid-August, looked at Myra and was surprised. Not only did Don Carlos keep his promise to avoid loving her, but he seemed to avoid her as much as possible, and was only formally polite when they were thrown together.

Yet he loved practically all the other women in the party, and apparently shook the hearts of many young people. Myra tried to convince herself she was grateful to be rid of her ardent intentions, but heartily she bothered to ignore herself.

"I think he is proving that he was only pleasing himself and that his fervent love sentiment was just a show off," Myra demonstrated. "He is complaining about me sounding absurd. Trouble man! I half-heartedly try to make him fall in love with me in earnest, and then take concealment from him."

By telling him I am only amusing myself at my expense. "

Coupled with his inner dysfunction is the fact that Don Carlos won the good opinion of all the other men in the party, and completely mixed himself up with Tony Standish, who would constantly talk about him with enthusiasm. And spend their time in the company.

"Have you offended Don Carlos in any way, Myra?" Lady Furmanag inquired one night. "I think he seems to avoid you as much as possible, and yet he and Tony have become great friends."

"I think Don Carlos is the most seductive man in the world, Auntie, and it's most annoying that Tony then fussed about what happened," Myra replied. "It'll serve Tony if I throw him away. It's exaggerated that he's so sure of me that he's not a little jealous of Don Carlos, and maybe I think I fussed about nothing. Did. Why didn't he half do it. -Would it have been conceived for me to dare to love, I should have loved him if he had done it - yes, even though he got the worst of it, loving me. Was Needed

Trying to hide Don Carlos for him. "

"Don't be stupid, my dear Myra!" Opposed Lady Farmanagh, laughing. "I told you that the lovemaking of men like Don Carlos should not be taken seriously, and it was foolish to fool you."

"And now, I think, he's laughing on his sleeve for taking me seriously, and thinks he's punishing me by ignoring me for being such a little rude!" Myra said. "Maybe I've fooled myself, but I intend to meet with her too. Yes, I'll meet with the fictitious creature too. Do you know what I decided to do, Auntie? I'm going to make love Am. For Don Carlos and making him fall in love with me, just have the satisfaction of turning him down

He looks up, and look, a fool. "

Lady Farmanagh advised, "For goodness, don't try to do anything." "Don Carlos is the very man of the world, and you must be playing with fire. I should judge that he knows women better than men."

In any case, my dear, it is not safe to walk around with a Spaniard. "

"And it's not safe to trifle with a Rostorev don Carlos de Ruiz, with a sudden laugh, Myra retaliates". "My mind is made up, and I will begin my conquest at night."

He took special pains on his toilet that evening, and his maid found him unusually accurate. She chose a very caterpillar evening frock of jade green shot with blue that matched the blue of her eyes but contrasted beautifully with her red-golden hair, and with it she wore a necklace of emeralds and turquoise Was.

"Bye Jove! Myra, dear, you look more lovely than tonight!" The acclaimed Tony Standish, devoutly and admirably, when he went to the great hall of Auchinalwein Lodge before dinner. "You just look amazing, dear.

Wonderful! "

"Thanks for these few kind words, good sir," Myra replied smiling, in a banning of vocals, and dropped a fake curtsey. "I hope Don Carlos is equally admired. You see, Tony, I'm afraid he's restless with me for complaining to you and cheating on me, so I let him fall in love with me again and Has decided to make you furiously jealous. "

"Righto!" Laughed Tony. "But it's not a very old thing, or I may be a bit of Othello trading, you have no idea. I believe it."

If I tried, I could be passionate like any Spaniard. "

"why not try?" Replied Myra lightly. "Incidentally, I used to imagine that Othello was a swamp, not a Spaniard."

"Well, the Moors had something to do with Spain, so it depends on the same thing. Spain, speaking of Myra, reminds me that Don Carlos did that in my sailing party for our Mediterranean trip in winter Has agreed to be one. " Let us all spend a week in Sierra Morena with El Castillo de Ruiz at his place Invited for " "Really! I'll get plenty of time to complete my victory," Myra commented, her blue eyes sparkling mischievously. "I think it's not a good form to fool anyone's host, but Don Carlos will get anything he can get."

"I say, sweetheart, I hope you're not in earnest," remarked Tony. "You seem to be in a dangerous mood for the night, and you look so sweet - yes, just infamous! You will fascinate any man, my dear, and I am sure Don Carlos will have mud in your hands. Be very tough on him, Myra. He's a very good chap, and I think he did no harm. "

"For the night, my dear Tony, I'm a 'vamp'," Myra laughs. "Just look at Aunt Clarissa there flirting with Don Carlos, who is probably telling her that she is the most skilled and beautiful woman in the world. Go see me and bite her!"

Knowing that she looked her best (a feeling that empowers any woman), Myra walks into the hall where Don Carlos is talking to Lady Fermanagh.

"Forgive me if I'm interrupting," he said to the cutie, smiling into the Spaniard's dark eyes. "I want to tell you that I am very happy to hear from Tony that you are coming with us on a sailing cruise this winter, and I want to thank El Castillo de Ruiz for your invitation. I was very scared That you had not forgiven. I was so shocked to see you being so rude, and that you decided not to do anything further with an unknown person like Myra Rostrevor. "

"Dear lady, I should reject such an idea as treason, not to say blasphemy" Don Carlos replied firmly. "Even when you are clueless, ever, you are always the sweetest and beautiful woman in the world."

Myra said with a laugh, her blue eyes still smiling upon seeing him.

"Thank you, señor, for these few kind words," she said. "I hope you're saying something similar to my aunt?"

"Lady Myra, Don Carlos is telling me that the mine is the type of beauty he has always admired the most, and I think he has not only discovered the secret of evergreen youth, but the art of growing old gracefully Is too, "Lady Farmanagh told him smiling. "I'm beginning to suspect being Irish rather than Spanish - because someone might be young forever, I ask you? Still, I think I like her Blarney, and I think it's a pity It is said that most of the British have lost. Paying a complaint Mentally, and saying flattering things as if they were meant to. "

"Dear lady, you both do me and yourself an injustice," said Don Carlos, his tone very serious, but the darkness of his eyes dancing. "The greatest of the courtiers, even if he had kissed his famous flattering stone, would certainly be at a loss for words which

You can even judge with your charm, let alone flatter you. Lady Farmanagh pointed a finger at him.

"My Spanish is getting stiff," she said, "but I think I remember a saying from your country: 'Haceos miel y comeras han moscas', which means,' make yourself honey and

The flies will eat you. 'Am I right? "

"Always you are right, dear lady," replied Don Carlos, smiling; "But you leave me unquestioned for whether I am your fly or your honey. Incidentally, we have another saying, 'En casa del moro no hairles Algarvia.' Can you translate your ladyship? "

"Yes, señor," thought Lady Fermanagh, after a moment. "It means, 'Don't speak Arabic in a Moore's house', but I don't know what the application is where we're concerned, unless you're suggesting that I misinterpreted your correct English, or Then you are criticizing me incomplete Spanish. You are too deep for me, Don Carlos, and I will leave Myra to try and fathom. Beware of that, Myra! "She went on smiling as she walked away. Went.

"I assure you that I am completely honest when I tell you, dear lady, that I am more than enchanted to le

arn that you are coming to Spain as my guest, and I promise you That I will do everything that lies in building your power. The journey is interesting, "Don Carlos told Myra. "But I warn you that if El Diablo Cozuelo finds out that the most beautiful, adorable, and completely desirable girl in the world is going to meet El Castillo de Ruiz, she will definitely attempt to kidnap you. Will do. "

"Is there going to be one of the most beautiful, adorable and totally desirable girl party in the world?" Questioned Myra, assuming an innocent expression. "How interesting and exciting!

Who is he? Film star? "

"That's you, Sinorita," Don Carlos replied, "and let me remind you that El Diablo Cozuelo is almost fond of kidnapping beautiful women. So you'll be in danger all the time in Spain."

"I refuse to be disappointed Am - and I don't believe a word of it! "Replied Myra, with a silent laugh." I don't believe you live a pet brigade and robber on your property, but even if you do, kidnap. The possibility of being does not destroy me. The risk, if any, will add a spice of thrill to the journey. "I cannot believe that you would let any brigand steal me from your palace Don Carlos, though you have threatened to steal me yourself.

"I promise you that El Diablo Cozuelo won't take you away from me, even if he catches you, Sinorita," Don Carlos replied. "I am glad that you are carefree, and again I assure you that I am honored and flattering that you have accepted my invitation-"

"I considered it more of a challenge than an invitation," Myra said.

"Really! Then I am more honored than accepting the challenge," Don Carlos resumed his face smiling. "I wonder why you are so condescending to Myra, day and night? Do I understand that I am forgiven?"

"Maybe I have nothing to forgive, Carlos, and it was silly on my part to commit the crime," Myra replied with a charming glance. "Incidentally, it's good to keep my promise to love me, but - but -" He broke as a loss. One way myra for once Rosterwehr was deliberately playing the part of Cockett, and he saw the light of Don Carlos's eyes suddenly and with hope.

"You mean now you won't hold me for my promise, Myra?" He asked, on top of a whisper.

"No, I - I don't mean that Carlos," Myra grumbled, with her eyes down; "But - but you have only been polite to me since I came here, yet I have seen you loving other girls. If you love me, and were not just pretending —-"

"I wasn't pretending, Myra," interrupted Don Carlos. "I love you with every fiber of my being. It was just pretense where the other women are - and was worried. I confessed."

To make you feel jealous, and I believe I succeeded? "

"I'm not going to tell you," Myra said, lifting her eyelashes to have a more attractive and provocative glance. "Until there is no love, there can hardly be jealousy. If I was in love with a man who didn't care for me, or pretended that he didn't, I would love to have another man You should not have the heart to try to love. With me. How can you believe me that you are really in love with me, Carlos, when I see that you are constantly in love with other women? "

"Darling, give me but a chance to prove my love," breathed Don Carlos; Then upon reaching two or three other guests, the salmon began to talk about fishing.

Myra didn't give him another chance to talk to her in private during the rest of the evening, but she still imagined him getting ahead of her. When she asked him to dance after dinner, but she danced with other men, and she had an unusual affection for Tony in her own way, when she felt that Don Carlos was watching her, who often Was.

"I say, Myra, darlinst, you look sweeter and more endearing than ever, and I think he took her in my hand and gave him a loving squeeze after the dance."

"I'm trying to make up for being terrible about Don Carlos, dear Tony," Myra explained. "Now I have come to my senses, I am going to love the delightful man as much as he likes, and let him play in his game ... let's sit Dance in conservative, Tony. "

He had seen Don Carlos wandering in the conservatory

, and the mischief he had led him to molest and find new ways to test him. The conservative was in half-darkness, but when Myra entered with Tony based Don Carlos, he smoked a match at that moment to smoke cigarettes, before searing himself in a dark corner.

"Come on, find a dark corner, Tony," Myra said, and directed her fiance to where Don Carlos was sitting - enough to make sure the Spaniard would be able to say anything. "The man who loves I don't think I want to be kissed," he resumed. "You can kiss me, Tony."

"Dear!" Said Tony happily, taking him in his arms and kissing him. "I have been longing to kiss you all evening, sweetheart, but thought you might also object if I had the chance."

"You silly men have to understand that a woman is not necessarily in earnest if they say she doesn't want to be kissed, or pretend she doesn't want to be loved," Myra Replied, a little growling laughter together. "Kiss me again, Tony, but this time I should be kissed by the way I love the man who loves me, kissing in love, and just like a cold-blooded

English. "

Tony kissed her again, There is pressure close to him, but Myra suddenly breaks in from him as he alarms.

"There's someone in the corner, Tony," he whispered. "I saw the glow of the cigarette-end. Let's slip out quickly. I hope they didn't see us or hear us, and they wouldn't rip us off later."

Slightly guessing that Myra was part of what he said, Tony, a little nervous, allowed himself to get out of the stereotype, protesting in a promise that it did not matter to listen or see, Engaged as they were.

For the rest of the evening, Myra continued to avoid Don Carlos as much as possible, but she smiled every time her eyes met the fashion they met, wondering what she had in mind and their caresses. What was the effect of Him. And she goes to bed realizing that she has, at the very least, done something to justify her boast that she might have fallen in love with earnest Don Carlos.

She suddenly wakes up at night, with a strong feeling that someone, or something, has touched her, but when she sits on the bed and turns off the lights, nothing to give her any reason for alarm. Was visible Deciding that she must have been dreaming, Myra was turning off the lights and readying herself to sleep again, when she had her eyes on a folded sheet of notepad on her pillow. With a sudden breath, he picked up the note, unfolded it, and read:

"The man who loves you will kiss you in the way you would love to be kissed as soon as he is relieved of his promise. He is free from his promise, and goes to his bedroom again last night." Leave the gate unlocked. "

Myra read the note again and again, her mind was humming, her heart beating fast. She knew that Don Carlos might have written it, and she was disappointed to think that she was in her room.

"Seems the man's guts and courage have no boundaries," she reflected, and was annoyed to find that she was blushing. "What Cheek suggests I should release from my promise not to love him - and leave my bedroom door open! What inferior, foolish, abusive cheek! ... Yet I think he accepted Did what I said to Tony as an invitation and a challenge - as I intended. Havens! If anyone would have seen him walking out of my room in the morning, I wouldn't have ripped up the reputation I must. I must compromise completely, and it will not be of much use. Created this paper in the hope of cleaning myself up. Nevertheless, I do not presume any other night or morning time. I was prowling… I wonder if she touched me or kissed me? I wonder if she is really in love with me? I wonder. ”

Myra pondered a lot of thought, before she again scorched in a sleeping fire, and when she was given her maid's morning tea, it was revealed that she was sleeping with Don Carlos's note, causing her Breasts burst.

"I think the smartest and safest course would be no reference whatsoever to the letter, and to pretend that I don't know what he's talking about if Don Carlos had the cheek to refer to it Is, "Myra said, as she spoke. "Eventually, I deliberately provoked him, and I should have been disappointed if no notice was taken. I would keep the letter and challenge him about it later. In the meantime I would hold him to promise my love. , Not yet. Try my best to make him listen. I wonder what will happen if I love him

in earnest. Life is becoming very adventurous! "

So she made no reference to the letter when coincidentally she found herself alone with Don Carlos in the afternoon, but kept encouraging herself to be "good" for him. And when Myra Rostevore set herself to be fascinated, she was a highly attractive and seductive creature. Her sweetness, grace, and the inviting and seductive glimpse of her blue eyes clearly had a strong impact on Dawn.

Carlos, and removed his beard.

"Myra, why are you torturing me and beating me like this?" He suddenly burst. "Confess that you love me, Darling, and promise me that I will not love you."

"Why, you dear, conceited man, don't you understand that it is only because you have pledged your word not to love me that I am good for you?" Myra replied, with her smile. "If you break your promise, I'll immediately freeze again and keep you a short distance away."

"You're cruel, Sonorita," commented Don Carlos with a bush and an ah. "You are the most tantruming, tickling and seductive girl I've ever met, as well as the sweetest and sweetest."

"Actually!" Myra laughed. "I wonder if you agree with such an annoying person!"

"Consort? Consort? I like that word, Myra," he replied. "I want to be your strength for the rest of my life, and you will be my queen and empress of my heart."

"What a terrible danger!" Exclusive Myra. "And I'm afraid, Incidentally, this is loving behavior. If you wish to continue in our current position, you must keep your promise, Don Carlos's letter as well as the soul. "

Don Carlos said, "I am a human being, lovely lady and you are harassing me." "I am like a thirsty man, and you keep a cup of water on my lips, when I try to drink I snatch it. But I promise you that I will fill my stomach with your love fountain Give."

"Another terrible threat - and aren't your metaphors getting mixed up again?"

"Myra, Darling, I Love-

"Remember your promise!" Interrupted myra. "If, as you say, I torture you very badly, maybe you would like to avoid me?"

"No, no a thousand times no!" Cried Don Carlos. "You were devastated when you refused to dance with me last night, and you later put me in the conservatory for torture. I wanted to kill the other man, especially the one on which you Best wishes to Ishtar. "

"Dear me! What a bloodthirsty creature! Incidentally, aren't you still striving to love indirectly? I think that making love has become a second nature of sorts, and you don't know that you make your promise." Breaking? "

Don Carlos said, "I scold, sweet lady, and sorry." "So far I have never intentionally broken a promise.

And remind me that I have made many promises to you. "" many? "Myra repeated, raising her eyebrows.

"You may remember the first time we danced together. I promised to awaken your heart and set it on fire with the passion that now consumes me," Don Carlos replied quietly. . "I have promised you many times to make you mine, so that you can surrender to the call of love and confess yourself."

"They, I speculate, were promises made to myself," Myra retracted lightly. "We all promise ourselves things, and hope for things we know we will never get from the heart."

"I have told you that it was predicted that I should get my heart's desire, and also that I had won the reputation of getting anything to which I set my heart."

"As far as I'm concerned, you've won the reputation of being the most snobbish and audacious man in Europe," Myra remarked, turning away from him with a carefree laugh.

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4 years ago


vary gpost story dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you, hope you enjoyed reading it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice story

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tanchu.... Hope it was a nice experience reading through.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

nice informed

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Am glad, hope you picked out some lessons from the story

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4 years ago