Affiliate Marketing: Start your day the affiliate way!

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Avatar for Billi.bhai
3 years ago

The first thing is you should not have to be spending a lot of money to get started making money online. If someone's telling you that you need to buy an expensive course to get started with their method of making money online, you should run away from that. You should not have to spend a lot of money to get started with any of these. And the other thing you have to consider when looking at different ways to make money online, is not only how much money can you make from it? But how complex is it to actually run this? How expensive is it for the overhead to keep it running? And how hands-on is it? Are you going to need employees or is it completely passive? You see, once you start making money online, you start to look at these things, but a lot of people in the beginning they're just looking at ways they can make money quickly and not actually looking at what is that business model and down the road when it's generating income, how hard is that going to be for me to manage?

So my recommendation is look a couple steps ahead with these methods of making money online. And with that said again, I can say that print-on-demand and affiliate marketing, they have unlimited earnings potential. It's based on how much input you're putting in, not how much money you're investing in it. They have very low or no costs to get started and ongoing costs to keep them running and both of them are nearly 100% passive. Not many other business models can say that. The only time that you're going to be hands-on and actively putting work into print-on-demand or affiliate marketing is when you want to grow your business. So hopefully now that gets us all on the same page. But now we need to talk about how you actually use the resources on this YouTube channel about print-on-demand and affiliate marketing to your advantage. And how you can really craft a game plan for you to make a lot of money online long term. Everything that you've seen on my channel that I share with you guys is about making money in the long run. It's not about getting rich quick. Trust me when I say there is no way for you to get rich quick and sustain that. Talking about that, that brings us right into 'how much money do you actually make from print-on-demand and affiliate marketing?

Max Affiliates = Max Profits

' What should you expect and what are averages that I've seen over my course of doing these things? So I always like to give you guys very modest numbers. I don't want to give you optimistic numbers and then if you don't hit that you're disappointed or you don't know what's going wrong. So in these examples and the other videos you've seen on my channel. These are going to be very modest average earnings numbers. So starting with print-on-demand, what you can expect to earn is about $1 per listing per site per month. Now I know that sounds a little bit confusing but allow me to break this down. That formula will give you how much you're actually going to make, not how much you're going to profit per sale. But how much you're actually going to make from how much work you put in? So as you guys know from the other videos on the channel when you create one design for print-on-demand, you can upload that to multiple websites, the same exact design because it's not exclusive. You created the design, so technically you own the copyright and you can sell that anywhere you want as long as sites are not exclusive. So to build off of that, the top three sites I'm always talking about to upload to whereat least 80% of my sales come from our Tee spring, Merch by Amazon, and Red bubble. Now if we go back to the formula if you create one design and you upload it to all three of those web sites, You can expect to earn about $1 per month from each of those web sites.

Get affiliated with Success

So if you create one design and upload it to those three sites, you can expect to make about $3 per month. Now, a lot of people's next question on this is 'why are you only making $1.00 per shirt on each of these sites?' and it's actually the $1 is not the profit. When you sell a shirt on a site, it's going to make anywhere from $2-$10 in profit. And that's for each one of these sales. However, when you're looking at the big picture of this ,if you have that one design uploaded on all three of these sites. You may only get one sale that month from one of the sites. You may not get a sale on the other two sites at all. So if that one sale that month made you between$2 and $10 dollars profit, that's why I'm saying the average for that month ,for that one design uploaded to all three is $3 per month. So hopefully that makes sense and that formula can help you predict and project how many designs you have to upload to hit your financial goal on how much you want to be making. If you're still confused on that formula, just let me know down in the comments. But essentially, just take how many designs you've created and all the places that you've uploaded them and created listings. So every active listing that you have, no matter what the design is. Every active listing you have out on a website will average you about $1.00 per month. Just to give you a real world example to help a little bit more, if your financial goal is to make $1,000 per month from print-on-demand, then all you have to do is create three hundred and thirty three different designs and upload them to Tee spring, Merch by Amazon and Red bubble.

That way you have 999 different listings out there ,each making you an average of $1 per month. And all of them together as the lot will be generating you about $999 per month and keep in mind ,these numbers are very modest numbers. So you may easily make more than that every month. So hopefully that breaks down and gives you a good formula on how much you can expect to earn from print-on-demand. Now before we move into affiliate marketing, I just want to talk about why you need affiliate marketing as opposed to just putting all your eggs into print-on-demand. So as you saw with that formula, if you want to make $1,000 per month ,you have to create roughly 333 different designs. Now creating that many designs takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of brainpower, creativity, a lot of your time. So with that said you're not going to make life-changing income with print-on-demand, unless you're creating thousands of different designs. Now for a lot of you guys, print-on-demand is great because you're just looking for side income. You just want an extra thousand or two thousand dollars per month. And if you're willing to create 300, 500, 700 different design sand upload them to all three, then you absolutely can do this. No problem. However for you guys out there who are looking for life changing income, You're looking to make fifteen, twenty, thirty thousand dollars per month from online business. That s where affiliate marketing comes in. It's just way too hard to create five thousand or ten thousand different t-shirt designs for print-on-demand. So this is where affiliate marketing comes into the strategy because although it is a longer-term game, you're not going to make money right away. Affiliate marketing can and will produce a lot more income for the amount of work that you put in. Now with that said, affiliate marketing is not as easy to get into as print-on-demand. Affiliate marketing is definitely a little bit more daunting. It's a lot less understood. There's a lot more scams out there surrounding it a lot of expensive courses to teach you how to do it. So people generally don't get into affiliate marketing as much as they get into print-on-demand. With that said, it's a blessing and a curse. If you have the right person that's giving you the right information on how to do affiliate marketing you're in good shape. However, there is a ton of information about affiliate marketing out there, that is generally misleading and just not the best advice for you. On top of that, affiliate marketing takes a long time until you start generating income. So the most common thing with affiliate marketing is people get started, they do a little bit of work, they don't see any traction at all, so they quit.

No Diploma Needed Affiliates

And mentally they completely write-off affiliate marketing so they don't give it a chance again. So with the affiliate marketing, there are a ton of different ways that you can do it. And essentially, if you're new to affiliate marketing all it really is, is referrals and recommendations. There's no pyramid structure. This is not referrals and then building off of their referrals. This is simply, hey you're looking for a good cleaner for such-and-such. I've tested out multiple cleaners and this one worked the best. So here's my link to it on Amazon and go purchase it if you'd like. This is a perfect example of affiliate marketing because it truly creates a win-win, the person looking for the cleaner hasn't bought all of these, haven't been able to test them, the person creating the affiliate content went out and bought these things, spent their time testing them and then created content comparing the results and showing which one is best. All of this content is then completely free for the person looking for the product and the way that the person that created the content makes money is by putting in their links that are affiliated to that product. The biggest affiliate program out there is Amazon's so you can refer to any product on Amazon with your own affiliate link, and then when someone purchases through your link you get a commission. Like I said, there are a ton of different ways that you can actually do affiliate marketing but from trying a bunch of them what I can definitely recommend to you guys is YouTube affiliate marketing and creating a niche specific affiliate marketing website. The niche website is the gold standard for affiliate marketing, just know that that is going to take a long time to start making money. The positive to that is that those sites make a lot of money long term. Now looking at the other end of the spectrum, you have YouTube videos. So for that example of the cleaners, you could show yourself using the cleaners. You can show video of the results and then in the description you can put links to those products on Amazon.

Now if you're creating affiliate marketing YouTube videos, you can really make money as soon as the first day and I've done it in the past. The first day that you post that video on YouTube, someone clicks the link and purchases the product. Now the big difference is you're not going to make big money off of YouTube videos. Yes, you technically can, but in my experience that's not where the big money is at. The big money is on the niche affiliate marketing websites. So on YouTube you may make a couple dollars here and there, depending on how many affiliate marketing videos you've put out there. But on the niche affiliate marketing websites, the income that you can expect is more standardized. Now, I've definitely created some really good affiliate marketing tutorials and breakdowns of income on this channel. But what you can expect from a niche specific affiliate marketing website is to make roughly a thousand dollars per month in one year. And then that same site will continue to grow and make about $3000 per month in two years. So as you can tell, this is not going to be a fast earner. You really have to wait about 35 weeks or eight-and-a-half months until you start to see any kind of substantial income and then by about year one is when it picks up and you're starting to make about $1,000 per month from that site. With that said, affiliate marketing overall if you want to make the bigger numbers is going to be a long-term game. So those are the numbers for what you can expect to make on average from both print-on-demand and affiliate marketing, the two different types of affiliate marketing that we just talked about. If you are someone who's getting into making money online, instead of going with a bunch of different approaches.

Right Fit For Affiliates!

I recommend you stick with print-on-demand and affiliate marketing. You can do either of these first. So whether you start with affiliate marketing or you start with print-on-demand, both ways will work in time. But generally I recommend for you guys to start with print-on-demand because it's easier to get started. You're starting to get the hang of things and then once you get those items out there, you don't have to do anything else and that's when you can move into affiliate marketing, both types of it. And remember the biggest thing here is,(both with print-on-demand and affiliate marketing) for the most part, generally speaking, once you've created the content or whatever it is and put it out there, you don't have to do any day-to-day tasks. You don't have to be at your computer all the time, making sure that everything's running smoothly, processing orders. None of that. Everything is done for you. So it's all just about creating as many great designs and as much good affiliate content as you can and getting it all out there. Then although there are some small things here and there that you'll get from other videos on the channel, you basically just let the internet do its thing. People are buying things online every single day. And every year, more and more people are buying things online, whether they're purchasing your designs or someone else's designs or reading your reviews or someone else's reviews, they're going to be spending money online one way or another. So the more content, the more designs you can get out there is just more chance of them using your link or your product to make that purchase. Now the very last thing for this video that I think is important and deserves to be in here is, 'how much does it cost to run print-on-demand and what are the ongoing costs for affiliate marketing as well?' So to start with print-on-demand, you can do all of it 100% for free, you don't have to spend a single dollar. Now as you've seen me probably talked about before in other videos, there are certain products or subscriptions tools that you can purchase and you can enroll into help you with designing, just to make certain things more efficient and save you a lot of time. Now if you got all the tools that I recommend and everything the most you would be spending is somewhere between $15 and $30 per month. And you only really need these in the beginning few months when you're creating all of your designs to get out there.

Leads marketing has a new home.

Once you've uploaded them, you do not any tools and there are no, absolutely no, ongoing costs. So that deserves a thumbs-up. That is awesome. Print-on-demand is greate specially for beginners, because if you get the right tools, anyone can create amazing designs and get as many of them out thereas you're willing to put in work. Now moving over to affiliate marketing as we talked about, there's two different ways. So the YouTube affiliate marketing is 100% completely free. You can apply to be an Amazon affiliate or an affiliate for any products or services that you like that is completely free and then you can film on anything that you already have. You don't need to go out and buy a camera. You don't need to go out and buy a microphone. Start with what you have. So if you have an iPhone or an Android just film yourself on your phone, show the product, show whatever it is and then upload that video. So it should not cost you a single dollar to do that. Now moving over to the niche specific affiliate marketing website, this does have fees and your fees are going to be for your website and website posting. Now there's two different ways that you can do this. One's a little cheaper than the other and I'll explain this briefly here. One of them is using a self hosting so something like Blue host and then using WordPress to build your website and the other is a little bit more expensive, and that is Wix, which is just all-in-one. So if your self hosting with WordPress, you're going to come in at somewhere around$70 per year, that's about six dollars per month. That is your only expense. Now if you're using the all-in-one website builder. That's a little bit more expensive which is called Wix, that's going to be about $200 per year or about $17 per month.

Now in 15 seconds, just so you know, the difference between the two, WordPress is definitely harder to use but it is more affordable. Wix is extremely easy to use. That's actually what I'm working on building the template for you guys for affiliate marketing. I personally now use Wix for every single one of my sites just because even though it is more expensive, I know it just makes it easier. And down the road that site's going to be generating plenty to cover the extra hosting fees as opposed to WordPress. All right guys, with that said, I'm going to link up two videos where I think you should go from here. At least bookmark these or something. One is going to be the full tutorial for print-on-demand. The other will be the full tutorial for affiliate marketing.

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Avatar for Billi.bhai
3 years ago


it is the market

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3 years ago

wow good article

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