Be careful coding web apps

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3 years ago

Hello everyone ! As I told you I was going to post about computers and stuff (my career) , and here we go.

Today was the first day of me actually working as a pentester for a company (I've been doing it as freelancer before) , and target was a Django website.

(Django is a web frame work for python ; in case you didn't know). And it is expected to be more secure than PHP websites , but I found some funny stuff just while doing recon. The programmer probably was not careful or too tired to pay attention to the details and little things (Yeah little things ).

First I ran some automated tools for recon as my automation part. I found out that some headers are not set. I'm not really skilled but when a header is not set , there are chances for having related vulnerability. For example first thing found was that there were no X-XSS-protection header. So one of the fields at least can be used for XSS attack or maybe I need more skills to run a really cool one. But the thing is if the chance of XSS was like 30% now it raise to 60%.

The second thing was a outdated java script library , so here we go , if the vulnerabilities of that library include XSS , we have at least 70% chance to run a successful cross site scripting.

And after those I tried some manual testing , I was about to test for SQL injection , and the field was only for phone number , so users should only use numbers. Then my SQLI attack failed that time , and I was sad and saying "nothing going on here..." suddenly realized that my command didn't work for now and for any reason , but I can enter any sort of character in this field. There was not a high impact (at least no high impact for now) but something is not right and it can cause further attacks.

As you read , you understand these are not really high impact stuff , they may not even be vulnerabilities , but they are all small mistakes or better to say small details that the programmer didn't pay attention to.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day/night!

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3 years ago
