“Spend Less Than Earn” Part I

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Hello friends with you BigDocIriya and I want to share a financial life hack. Life hack of your whole life and mine too.

You have actually heard more than once from friends or relatives that it is necessary to save and save money, but you still don’t want to understand this... All you need to do is learn four words, here they are: “Spend Less Than Earn”.

I have a couple of friends with large incomes, even more than yours, but they have no savings, they have: a new car, a big beautiful one on credit, a small apartment for rent, of course a fur coat, but not even one, children wear "burberry moschino", they always have beautiful designer dishes "villeroy boch" in their kitchens. They seem to have everything, but there is only one thing - money. They always buy what they want.

But today's life hack is the exact opposite. You need to earn now, and spend later, that's all the thousands of pages of books on self-development, on attracting wealth, fits into these four words. And it doesn't matter what your financial situation is, it doesn't matter how much you earn and how much you spend. There is only one basis for a well-to-do life - to spend less than earn.

Think about what corporations do. Well, a corporation is just a money making machine. The main idea is a positive cashflow whose surplus is invested in even greater future cashflow. Business values ​​revenue more than anything else. That is why salespeople usually earn more than other employees of the company. Why? Because revenue solves any problem. Well, in your case, your salary is revenue. Many are focusing on costs, savings, and that might seem like the right thing to do. But you need to understand that by saving, the average person cannot save the average amount of money, because the rich save much more.

The problem, as a rule, is just with the proceeds. So it is much more difficult to increase it, but perhaps it is worth concentrating more on this.

It seems that everything is in order when you have a job and you are regularly paid for it. But financial problems for people usually arise due to the fact that work suddenly did not become or a suitable position is occupied and it is difficult to find it, but there are no savings. Because if you have a stable income, then a car breakdown is not terrible for you, most health problems are not terrible either, and even if you do not have savings, you can borrow money for a future salary, or using a credit card there, for example.

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